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Honchey 03-27-2012 06:46 PM

THE FWS PONY CLUB Quilt-Along week 13 Clover Leaf & Captain's Wheel Discussion Page
It's really very strange how the timing for this week's blocks happened.....Week 13 and Clover Leaf is one of the blocks..I had better luck with Captain's Wheel.

LovingIzabella 03-27-2012 06:55 PM

Ugh! I had horrible luck with the Wheel. I seam ripped four times and the intersections still stink!
I have to finish my clover but I should have that done tomorrow.

QuiltE 03-27-2012 08:21 PM

That is just too funny, Lucky 13 Week and the Lucky Clover Leaf!!!
Good for you for catching that,

I did the Clover Leaf last night and then Captain's Wheel tonight.
Did both via PPing ... and add on another P ... LOTS Of pinning! :)

Honchey ... ??To clarify re Spring Break??
... is it next Tuesday 4/3 that we start our Spring Break? as in no new blocks after tonight until 4/10?

I'm going to try to get caught up during that time ....... though the other day I sadly recognized that tax time is looming (Canada's is 4/30) , and I need to start focusing on that too. Butttttttt I'd sooner be sewing!! :)

And with this, Good Night, one and all!!
Sleep tight ... don't let the bed bugs bite!!! :D

carriem 03-28-2012 03:36 AM

Well I have good news! I have the Captains Wheel block done and all but 2 pin-wheels done on the Clover Leaf! This is the first week I got them started let alone will I finish before the week is out! I have to work today, but will be sewing on Thursday so should be able to finish with no problems. I too did pp'ing and it went pretty quick.


QuiltingNinaSue 03-28-2012 07:19 AM

Have most the blocks cut out but not sewn to photograph yet. Busy with the garden duties; helped dh tie up the roses to the fence, and enjoyed the lilac blooms and their smell...our place borders the YY state highway, so roses are on the fence and lilac bushes in 2nd tier. Tulips, peonies, and bleeding hearts border our driveway (on North side) into the house. South side is the orchard and berries. Also cut potatoes for dh to plant...10 pounds of Yukon Gold sets.

Gotta run do taxes tomorrow and finish sorting out papers today.

JanieW 03-28-2012 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 5096756)
Have most the blocks cut out but not sewn to photograph yet. Busy with the garden duties; helped dh tie up the roses to the fence, and enjoyed the lilac blooms and their smell...our place borders the YY state highway, so roses are on the fence and lilac bushes in 2nd tier. Tulips, peonies, and bleeding hearts border our driveway (on North side) into the house. South side is the orchard and berries. Also cut potatoes for dh to plant...10 pounds of Yukon Gold sets.

Gotta run do taxes tomorrow and finish sorting out papers today.

The visual I got from reading your description of your garden will get me through many a day, QNS. Wow. I am still looking at mounds of snow with day after day of grey skies and just can't imagine lilacs blooming, but now I can. It sounds wonderful. Thanks for that!


QuiltE 03-28-2012 08:20 AM

The chinook that JanieW sent here took care of any snow we had. So the last two weeks were like spring ... reaching those high temps, more like summer. NOw this week more seasonal, and hovering around zero, but of course seems warmer with NO snow, not much mud since there hasn't been much rain and the sun shining wonderfully!

I've always loved lilacs, so
QNSue, you've made my day!!! Ours don't show til late May early June ... I wanted them for my wedding flowers but got talked out of them because of the risk that we might not have them. Lucky for me, when I bought my place, the laneway is lined with lilacs. Once they are in bloom, I fill the house with bouquets.

Til I can enjoy them IRL, I'll have to virtually enjoy yours,
QNSue!! Maybe you'll get us some pics of your floral display that the Highway travellers get to enjoy! And your peonies and bleeding hearts are other favourites of mine .... some beautiful old time flowers for sure!

JanieW 03-28-2012 09:17 AM

Ok, QuiltE if you are done with the Chinook, will you please send it back? Pretty please?

I wanted lilacs for my wedding, too. Didn't happen. I am allergic to them but don't care, I love them. One of the streets near us has them planted on the boulevard and they go on for kilometres . I sneeze and wheeze for the entire month of May between the lilacs and the May Day trees, but it's worth it.

QuiltE 03-28-2012 01:46 PM

Oh but you have now sent us the cold winter winds!! :)
I love fresh flowers in my home ... and yes am allergic to some.
Carnations and Chrysanthemums are the worse for me .... and I have one friend that often brings flowers, guess what kind? I never say a word!!! And just ENJOY them anyway. To tell the truth, I have wondered if some of the suffering I did last month was caused by the flowers ... I chose not to acknowledge it as being that!

My favourite that I often buy for myself are lilies, floating in babies breath!! Yellow, or orange or pink .. or whatever! I haven't boughht any for awhile, though I did buy a bunch of potted yellow/rust mottled lilies the other day and then will plant them in my flower beds. The last few years, I've been getting quite a collection of them in the beds!

QuiltingNinaSue 03-29-2012 10:42 AM

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More spring beauties for you'all to enjoy:[ATTACH=CONFIG]323629[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]323630[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]323631[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]323633[/ATTACH]grape hyacinth[ATTACH=CONFIG]323634[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]323635[/ATTACH] Bleeding Heart, Purple lilac, Magnolia blossom, row of tulips and bleeding hearts this spring, and the Ornamental peach tree.

JeanieG 03-29-2012 02:09 PM

OMG what beautiful flowers you are enjoying!

QuiltE 03-29-2012 06:53 PM

ooooooooooooh QNSue ... I feel that breath of spring air and all the prettyness with it. I've never seen magnolias with so much colour. The ones here are very white, with a touch of pink/mauve ... and actually some of them are already out in bloom. Just too early and with the frost the other night, I'd fear they were destroyed. As I said before, I love my lilacs!! I've never seen the ornamental peach before, what a bright shock of colour.

Just too bad that the spring flowers wouldn't last all summer!! :) I would so love to find more flowering trees/shrubs for throughout the summer. Thank you for sharing your lovely gardens with us!

mirabelle 03-30-2012 12:39 AM

Well winter is about to start here although in the tropics we only have 2 seasons the wet and the dry, can't wait for the dry to start, the highway won't be closed due to flooding, and I won't be squelching around my yard
I loved your flowers QNS reminded me of my childhood, the city I grew up in was nicknamed the Garden City and we had the Carnival of Flowers every September, and all the gardens would be judged.

QuiltE 03-30-2012 08:22 AM

MiraB ... were you raised here in Ontario? as St. Catherines is called the Garden City! I guess there's good and bad news in going from the wet to the dry season!

I think it was
QNSue that said to check out this youtube video ... if not my apologies to whomever did!
What a hoot ..... ENJOY Dear Friends!!!


QuiltE 03-30-2012 12:03 PM

achooo!! ... I think all these spring flowers are filling my head up ... yup, my head is swimming! My eyes are puffy! ..... and I'm trying to crunch numbers?? Not good at all!

Is anyone else getting anxious? ....... for the next milestone thread to see all the groupings again.
I just SO want to see how everyone's groups are coming together ... and that's not so far away.

Yes, says she, who has not posted to the 15 milestone ... I put my blocks up on the design wall last night. With 20 made, I have 4 to make and I can post to the 15!! And only 2 more after that and I am caught up with yinz! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 03-30-2012 02:50 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Go QuiltE!! Did my taxes and waiting for refund. Did all 6 table runners for FIL memory and they go across the road the LA Monday. Did my center for the Civil War Journal, so its caught up to work with a friend on Tuesday. Can work on FWQ tomorrow and Sunday; the PC on Monday...and get caught up there.

Ordered chickens that will come in May. Dark Cornish and Rhode Island Red pullets with one free baby chick coming by USPO. Debating about the barnyard mixture of ducks(6) and turkeys(6). Ducks will need a waterhole to swim in and may eat the bark off the fruit trees.[ATTACH=CONFIG]323917[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]323918[/ATTACH]Tulips usually bloom in May, but are in full bloom now...wonder what that means for the usual "spring" and summer?

And the Spring Break on QB begins on Tuesday, April 3rd?

mirabelle 03-31-2012 07:45 PM

QuiltE I grew up in a city called Toowoomba in Queensland Australia, would love to visit Canada one day

JanieW 04-01-2012 07:22 AM

Thanks for your pictures, QuiltingNinaSue. To see the green grass and sunny tulips is a real treat for me. I am still looking at piles of dirty snow and patches of brown dead grass so your pictures really lift the spirits. Thanks for taking the time to post them.

I was poking around in my south flower bed yesterday and found some grape hyacinths that are starting to come up so there is a whisper of spring around the corner.

QuiltE 04-01-2012 05:49 PM

Made some good headway once I got over that "threat" of relapse on Friday! Now if I hadn't been dragged by that, I would have had so much more done.

QNSue ... Hope that you had the productive FWS weekend you'd planned!!! You've got a lot on the go, quilting, gardening and all your fine feathered friends!! :) Thanks for all your beautiful spring pictures!

JanieW ... Spring will come ......... someday, right? and then you will be able to play in the mud and puddles when you look after the Grands!!!!! :)

LovingIzabella 04-02-2012 05:05 AM

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I have a long way to go to catch up with you all but I am hoping to get quite a few done this week :)
Love the spring flowers. I will have to see if I can post pictures of mine. I will however share with you a picture of a butterfly on my lilac bush from last year. I couldn't believe how good the shot came out. (especially since it was with my phone!)
And oh yeah I am still working on that clover block. I have decided even though I did not, do not and probably never will like the y-seams on the Wheel mine is staying the way it is :)

QuiltingNinaSue 04-02-2012 06:17 AM

Beautiful, LI, thanks for sharing. Breath taking, how the action was stopped in that moment. A rare moment in time...caught just right. Would love to catch our resident hummingbird in a moment like that.

QuiltE 04-02-2012 11:16 AM

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I smell lilacs!!!!!!!!!! :D

QuiltingNinaSue 04-02-2012 01:45 PM

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Old fashioned lilac, or red or the purple petals trimmed in white?[ATTACH=CONFIG]324788[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]324789[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]324790[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]324791[/ATTACH]White or red bleeding hearts?[ATTACH=CONFIG]324792[/ATTACH]Or Red & white columbine?

Pick one quick, QuiltE...and put it in a vase.

gardnergal970 04-02-2012 02:11 PM

QNSue...I love your "tire" garden. I'm a firm believer in raised garden beds regardless of the shape! Your rhubarb look like it's almost pie time. My mom always made the rhurbarb custard pie. I haven't had it in years. Most people I know make it a fruit pie with strawberries. What's the favorite in your family?

QuiltE 04-02-2012 02:57 PM

But, QNSue, You forgot to offer any peonies! :)

And you want me to pick JUST one?????????

IF they were here in my yard .... I'd be picking LOTS of lilacs and filling my antique water pitcher (from the wash bowl set), and my other big vases. And even some small bouquets to set on the window sill in my office and kitchen.

There doesn't look like there's many blooms of the others, so I'd not pick them. Though there may be and we can't see them? If so, then I'd be a-picking some of all of them!!!! YOu can't have too many flowers in your home! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 04-02-2012 05:45 PM

Peonies are budded for bloom; tulips are fading away as the daffodils into memories only for this 2012 year. Yes, we garden in big truck tires and tractor tires and mix a potting soil to go into the tire. One does not dig potatoes out with a spade or digging fork; hands can dig deep enough to bring out the potatoes with little effort. Weeds pull easy and I can move my "green seat on wheels" around the tires. Guess I am a lazy gardener, sitting down on the job!!!

Regular years, the peonies decorate the graves of loved ones past on for Memorial Day and Irises, too, decorate the graves. For some reason, we have zoomed forward into late May while the calendar says its April. I set out a dozen tomato plants today. Never have done that before in my lifetime. And we mowed the grass twice in March. Unheard of occasions in the mid west.

Spring Break out tomorrow, so let's hear the sewing machines going full speed, and show the results on QB PC.

QuiltE 04-02-2012 05:53 PM

for you
QNSue ... that there's no "on schedule" frost!

Here we would never trust the weather til post-May 24th ... though often there are earlier plantings with a lot of xxxxxfingers-crossedxxxxx .... and sometimes the gardener wins ... sometimes the garden centre wins with the replacement sales!

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