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Honchey 09-11-2012 04:13 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt-Along Wk 36 Pig's Tail & Ribbons Discussion Page
Another week under our belt leaving 18 blocks to go....We're getting closer and closer to the finish of making these blocks or are we???? speaking for myself I'm still behind... Yuk, but, it's good to know I'm not alone...I just have too much getting in the way..

QuiltingNinaSue 09-11-2012 04:47 PM

Life has a way of slowing us down, but not stopping us completely...Helped a friend yesterday and today and was so tired tonight when I got back home. She will visit the doctor tomorrow again, and they will decide on the operations she will face, possibly this week. And may recover at our home here after her hospital stay.

She did load me down with batiks fabric today...more projects in the near future. How many like batik fabric here?? I find you hate them or love them. We when all the way to Lucas Quilt with us today before I took her back to her home. Fun FART trip with laughter. Better to laugh than cry according to what my grandmother said.

QuiltE 09-11-2012 06:52 PM

Oh Honchey ... so you think you're behind? Well, there are some of us that are eating your dust!!!
I keep wondering if I will ever get back on the trail?
Oh yes I will ......... but ........ when? is the real question!

It's nice to be busy for work, but sometimes I HATE that I have to work!!! :)
No sewing for me in over a month now ... and I'm really starting to get antsy about THAT!!!!!!!
Anbd it's not looking good for awhile.

Gathering together my FWS and a few other things to take to one of the Fairs this weekend.
Next week, another Fair ... though that means I'm gone pretty much the whole week, as I work at it.
And when I get home each time, well there's the catching up!

QNSue ... So sorry about your friend. Glad that despite her health issues, that you two allowed a FART "therapy session"! I'm sure that helped her immensely, to "participate" in life and not keep dwelling on the medical matters.

I agree, I think people either love or hate batiks.
Me? I never had much to do with them, though am really starting to appreciate them and find I'm using them more and more as I get the opportunity. I really like the multi colours/shades in them for the movement they give and yet are next thing to a plain, but not the flatness of total plain-ness. Does that make sense? And then there's the patterned ones too ... and I have the four different trillium batikss that I got in the Shop Hop this summer. My BCS Mystery quilt has a deep purple batik. And if you can remember my butter yellow mainstay in the PC blocks ... that's a batik too.

Honchey 09-11-2012 08:28 PM

Oh QuiltE, so good to hear from you...I was wondering when you would pop in.... I love batiks and started some blocks about 10 years ago ...I look at them every once in awhile...I had a hard time piecing them ...I didn't have a 1/4 foot for the machine I was sewing on and it was very discouraging..so I put them aside..I'll get to them someday...

mirabelle 09-11-2012 11:17 PM

So sorry to hear of your friends problems QNS and I am sure your friendship means a lot to both of you.
Welcome back QuiltE its nice to hear from you, a bit like FWS blocks, a few at a time and you will rope those PC blocks in and finish them.
I have an extra large collection of batiks, washed and pressed everyone of them (they looked so pretty on the clothes line) but haven't yet found a quilt I want to make with them. I am seriously considering the New York Beauty that is starting in October (if I can get some UFO's out of the way). My collection is mainly fat quarters of fat eighths a few Bali Pops and a few large pieces..
Time to cook dinner, Beef Stroganoff tonight.

carriem 09-12-2012 03:22 AM

I have made one quilt with all batiks and in the D9P w/a Twist quilt the yellow was a batik. I really like batiks, but just haven't had opportunity to yet. I just started "Rosie" (pp'ing quilt) and will use all batiks for that...get to buy some more fabric tomorrow on the way to the retreat. :)

I am really looking forward to getting lots of PC blocks done this weekend! I am taking my laptop and camera, so might even be able to post pictures of my progress.

janRN 09-12-2012 04:32 AM

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Good to hear from you, QE. I've worked extra the past few weeks and wish I didn't have to; it gets in the way of sewing.
Like Carriem, I'm doing the Quilts for Rosie in all batiks. Other than FWS and PC, I only work in batiks right now. Here's an interesting one I made; just needs quilted but I can't decide what to do on it. Any suggestions?[ATTACH=CONFIG]362205[/ATTACH]

QuiltE 09-12-2012 05:06 AM

Thanks Honchey for the welcome back ... even if I'm not really back, it's nice to be here for a spell! :)

MiraB ... thanks for the encouragement. I know I will get them done, though I am disappointed that I haven't been able to stay with everyone. I knew what I missed in FWS and was why I joined the PC as I wanted SO much to be apart of the ride this time and do it WITH everyone and all the chitter-chatter. Oh well, such is life! :D

CarrieM ... D9P with a Twist ... I'm curious? Photo please? Is this the retreat that GGal and Jenniky are going on too? Have FUN Ladies!

Popular retreat weekend as I believe MiraB and DublB are heading off too!

JanRN ... alas! you are showing us yoru decadron. It's absolutely wonderful! As for the how to quilt, as I am starting to do more machine quilting, I am ever-so hesitant as to what to do and how to do it! :) So I'm not much help, but I really really do like it ... the colours are fantastic and your work is incredible! As for that four letter word of WORK ... maybe you should just become a lady of leisure and allow yourself to quilt full time? :)

gardnergal970 09-12-2012 05:43 AM

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QuiltE...welcome back! You have been missed.
QNSue, thinking of you and your friend today. I hope her surgery is successful. Sounds like a lot to do at one time but better than having 3 separate ones. I've done a quilt with batiks and Fairy Frost and it turned out beautiful. Batiks are a little different to work with but the results can be amazing.
JanRN..I don't have any suggestions, this is where I get stumped too, but your quilt is stunning. Great job.
Carrie...looking forward to seeing you IRL. What a treat.
Mirabelle...can't wait to see how far you get with the Jamestown Celebration. That's a lot of HST!
Here is a sample of the FWS I did yesterday. Luckily I got 5 done in one day since there were a couple of easier ones. I have some 6 inch orphan blocks I will use for some of the PP blocks so I have about 10 more to do and I will be able to start QAYG! YEA. I found though that I really love the 6 inch block so this probably won't be my last quilt with small blocks.[ATTACH=CONFIG]362211[/ATTACH]

QuiltE 09-12-2012 05:49 AM

GGal ... oh those are so lovely! And will frame up ever-so-nice when you add your sashings!! :) Isn't it nice when some easy-peasy ones are there to make you feel more productive!!!!! :) Here's to a great weekend getaway for you!

carriem 09-12-2012 06:14 AM

Time to start school, but I wanted to post the link here for you QE since I notice you are still online: Post #1400 http://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltin...71904-140.html

QuiltE 09-12-2012 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by carriem (Post 5508800)
Time to start school, but I wanted to post the link here for you QE since I notice you are still online: Post #1400 http://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltin...71904-140.html

Thanks CarrieM ... it's a beautiful quilt, love the colours!
Looks like your twist is that you added the fancy SqInSq block along with the D9P blocks?
Nice twist and adds a lot of interest to it.

Here's to a good school day for the kids ... and you too! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 09-12-2012 09:35 AM

QuiltE, I have enjoyed you back on the trail with us, even if it is just a note..or two. Cats seem to think sand is their litter boxes in made by Mother Nature...a lady I knew down South Texas found and made for her dd birthday "cat litter cake" made with tootsie rolls; some guest refused to eat it because it looked too real. Her dd was going to school to be a 'vet' of small animals. Too real for me to consider making it.

Yep, keep those prayers coming for df who talked to the doctor this morning and has shut down her phone without calling me...so she has to come to terms with what he said before she talks to anyone. Not good news for her to shut down.

Everyone enjoy your retreats for me too. Looking forward to hearing about them and seeing pictures of products from the retreats.

QuiltE 09-12-2012 11:07 AM

Thanks QNSue ... it's nice to be somewhat back, even if I havne't checked in on all the other PC threads. Perhaps tongiht?

OMG ... on the cat litter cake! Dirt Pudding is one thing, but this is going a step further! :)

So sorry about your friend and now the no-phone availability. Yes, she does need time to herself right now ... though perhaps a drop by, by you tonight, would be good medicine for her? Of course, not sure how far you are away and if that's do-able. She may think she wants to tough it out on her own ... though I bet you would be good company to help her come to terms and think it all thru.

A difficult time for you QNSue {{{{{HUGS}}}}}... as you sit and wait and wonder and worry ... not knowing what is "right". I know you'll figure that "right" out, and will be a blessing of support to her as she faces the whatever!

QuiltingNinaSue 09-12-2012 02:35 PM

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Ok bf was not at fault for not calling me; her cell phone quit working. Surgery is scheduled for Sept. 18. She did give me batiks:[ATTACH=CONFIG]362342[/ATTACH]Center of table, [ATTACH=CONFIG]362343[/ATTACH]West End of table and[ATTACH=CONFIG]362344[/ATTACH] East side. 30 different pieces to make into projects.

QuiltE 09-12-2012 02:49 PM

QNSue... I'm ever so glad you heard from her ... I'm sure you are feeling a little better now that you have heard from her. Now the wait til the 18th.

OMG ... look at all those batiks!!!! :D And it looks like there are yards and yards of each of them too!!! Have you even started to think of what you are going to do with it all? Looks like there'll be lots of projects!!

First, I bet .. will be a cheery recovery quilt for your friend!!!!!! How about a bright and beautiful Friendship Star variation?

QuiltingNinaSue 09-12-2012 03:38 PM

Between the lines Pattern #322 by Mouintainpeek Creations of Centennial, Co. background will move across left to right by color tone and a border print will be 'between the lines' will be made first from the fabrics for bf. Yes, there are many yards in each color...and more to come according to bf. I will, of course, finish the many quilts tops need to full fill her wishes for her grandson, ggs, and foster children of her dd for Christmas.... love doing or planning quilts for children.

oksewglad 09-12-2012 03:45 PM

Another night of campfire chatter. It's turned cool here in Iowa. It's silo filling time and that goes with the territory although technically it's bunker filling time here at OK. A bag full of corn silage and the bunker topped off late this afternoon. Rain in overnight forecast. DDIL and I have had quality time in the barn milking. Then all day with 2 youngest and 2 of the older ones in the afternoon as school was out early while Mom ran one of the girls to an appt. I am whipped. Wore many hats today and wish one was "quilter".....What would a quilter's hat look like?

Nice pulsating star, Jan. It's lovely.
And wow what a collection of batiks, QNS. Oh and you know laughter is the best medicine.
GGal you are on a FW roll whether Sampler or PC. Way to go and there's one particular blue pinwheel block I kind of like LOL
Carrie's lap is a winner, isn't it?
If you want to see what Anael's been up to check this out

Working on some red/white or cream mini's. Will share tomorrow--maybe if I get the time. Going to go put my feet up.

OH and QE nice to see you are Baaaacckkkk!!

QuiltE 09-12-2012 04:37 PM

Just kinda sorta back, OK!

I'd been wondering about you and how the corn had fared thru the drought ... and now into chopping it. Hope your yield is surprisingly good despite the dry times. Lots coming off here too!!

Thanks for the lead to Anael's latest project ... WOW!! :)

mirabelle 09-12-2012 08:28 PM

OK QNS I will be right over to help you tidy up your sewing room, you are going to need the extra room so you can fit all those BEAUTIFUL batiks in. My DD is reading this with me and she is starting to plan quilts so watch out you may have extra house guests:D:D

JeanieG 09-12-2012 08:51 PM

Oh QuiltE it is so great to hear your chatter again! I've missed you so much! Hope you can get "back in the saddle" again real soon.

QNS - those batiks are gorgeous. And such nice size pieces too! I love batiks also. I hope your friends surgery is successful.

ok - what a busy day you have had. I don't think I could keep up with you if I tried! LOL

We have had a great camp out with our Camping Group, and will be heading home tomorrow. Needless to say, I'll be late with this weeks blocks.

gardnergal970 09-13-2012 04:58 AM

OMG, QNSue...you could open a batik department in a fabric store! They're beautiful. You will be sewing on that stash for a long time.
OKSewGlad...I assume the quality time you had in the barn was with about 100 cows relieving themselves of their daily contribution for the welfare of your family. How big is your milking parlor? I milked for the neighbor for awhile and he had a double 8 with two of us milking but there were two others switching pens and taking care of the other chores that went along with milking. With just 2 of you, that's a pretty long haul to be in the barn when it's not your usual occupation. It goes with the territory I know. Hope you don't have to do it too many times this fall. And the blue in the pinwheel does have roots in IA. In fact you will see it again in next weeks PC block. Thanks so much!
Anael...I checked out the link and what a beautiful quilt you are "birthing".
Well, Carrie is on her way so I better think about getting packed up for the retreat. First though, a hair cut and grocery shopping. I've been to instructional classes that were overnight but never to a retreat so I'm looking forward to this.
Jeanie...where do I find the detail for Bonnie Hunter's next mystery quilt?

JeanieG 09-13-2012 08:40 AM

She will not release the actual information until November. I'll let everyone know! She just mentioned the new mystery in her blog, so she has already designed it, we know that much.

carriem 09-15-2012 05:35 PM

I'm home!! We had a great time. :) It was so nice to meet Ggal and spend a day+ with her! We are already planning to return next fall. I got 7 or 8 blocks finished...not near as many as I would have liked, but we got to visiting with new friends, so that took up some of our time. Plus there was the great trunk show by the KT designer, Lynne Hagmeier on Thursday night. I have pictures of my blocks taken, but need to get some sleep before I spend time finding the threads to post them on. Crystal got a picture of the three of us, so I will get her to post that here in the next day or so. More later...night!!

JeanieG 09-15-2012 07:08 PM

Oh Carrie - how fun to meet someone on the Board. I'm so glad you had a really good time and I'm looking forward to seeing your blocks and the photo of you, GGal and Crystal!

mirabelle 09-15-2012 11:13 PM

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DD and I are just home from our retreat, very very tired but what fun we had. I am posting lots of photos for you to enjoy.
Will post photos of our drive up the mountain as soon as DD has downloaded them from her phone.
This is what we got up to on the weekend

Photos are
1. A pic of the hall and lots of creativity going on
2. Progress being made on the HST
3. Have to have energy food
4. Progress being made
5. Ta da top finished

mirabelle 09-15-2012 11:15 PM

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More photos
On Saturday afternoon the mist rolled in and this was the view from the verandah of the hall.

Last but not least is the progress I made on my quilt:D

QuiltingNinaSue 09-16-2012 04:10 AM

Great photos; makes us feel like we were there. Beautiful quilt; Wow!! Love the scenery too. Looking forward to seeing more. Thank you for sharing.

gardnergal970 09-16-2012 04:40 AM

Wow, mirabelle. I can't imagine getting a quilt top that complicated pieced in two days. Did you sew on it as well as your DD? It's beautiful. I can't wait to see the purple one.
The KT retreat was loads of fun. We had 21 of us. One from Maryland, one from Virginia, two from Missouri, two from Kansas...Laurie and her helper Lois, two from Iowa, Carrie and Crystal, one from Michican, 5 from Indiana and the rest were from Illinois. Threads of time is truely and destination quilt shop! Laurie was inspirational. She does such simple things that still look complicated. She uses raw edge appliqué with precuts and stacks fabrics rather than cutting and piecing. Her new book called Loose Change is coming out with her fall collection. It uses layer cakes, dimes, charms, nickels, and mini charms, pennies. Really creative. I'm looking forward to having it and working through more of my stash so between her and Bonnie Hunter I should be able to get rid of it, right? Wrong! I used my 20% birthday discount to stock up on the batting that I need to finish the quilts I've started but the next day I browsed the shop and got an armload of FQs. There are just sooo many beautiful new fabrics this fall.

oksewglad 09-16-2012 08:06 AM

Sounds like a "great time was had by all". What fun to meet some of the PC riders and to share your love of quilting! Mbell thanks for the pics; like QNS said, felt like we were there! I love your quilt, too. Me I'm thinking miniature...

Yesterday was the local quilt auction. My little quilts sold well, one for $75 and the other $80. Not quite up in the league of the $3000 HQ king sized ones, but proportionately I think they did okay. Funds are going to rewamp the OB unit at the hospital.

carriem 09-16-2012 08:16 AM

Mirabelle--I agree with Ggal, you made GREAT progress on your quilt. The yellow really pops. What accent color are you using for the purple quilt?

I too got some good FQs to add to my stash. :) I am going to make a couple Christmas table toppers using the raw edge applique Lynne told us about this past weekend. We got a KT Christmas mini-charm pack (2 1/2" squares) from her and I was able to find a matching charm pack on the way home yesterday, oh and bought yardage for borders too, so have everything I need but backing. I did pretty good not buying too much even though we went to 10 shops in 3 days! Maybe I will win a new sewing machine (shop hop grand prize)...wishful thinking!!

I found a cute sewing box made from an old drawer for my dd for her birthday. Then got a couple FQs to match the fabric lining to put inside. I'll add some other sewing essentials she doesn't have yet (she'll be 11 in November). I'll get a couple pictures as I unpack before hiding it...I think it will be hard not to give it to her early. :)

oksewglad 09-16-2012 08:58 AM

Look forward to seeing your the sewing box drawer.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-16-2012 09:56 AM

Love all the 'eye' candy, CarrieM, of all the blocks you have posted today. It is nice to have postings to read again on this site...Friday and Saturday did not have much to read or see...love it when there are several postings to view. Makes my day a little brighter. I needed a break from the white ornamental peaches I am trying to work up, but I am soooo slow. Then on to the pears....and I thought having an orchard was a good idea back in 2005.

Turkey hens have now developed blue heads...lovely blue shade. I did not know they did that. Toms have red heads.

carriem 09-16-2012 10:24 AM

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A little more eye candy for you...here is the sewing box/drawer and a few pictures of some of the FQs I got for myself and dd.

For the FQs in the last pic I got a little more of the stripe for binding and flower for border. Most have metallic gold.

JeanieG 09-16-2012 10:25 AM

Ohhh photos of those blue headed turkeys, please QNS!!! I don't envy you the fruit to process either. I did several batches of applesauce from our little apple trees bounty! Thank goodness it is a dwarf.

JeanieG 09-16-2012 10:27 AM

Carrie, that drawer is awesome, I know your daughter will cherish it for a lifetime! I love the fabric you purchased - how fun, I bet you can't wait to use it!

QuiltingNinaSue 09-16-2012 02:21 PM

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Lov your fabric choice, Carrie, and think that the drawer is a lovely gift!! (think I might wanta' keep it)

Ok, you be the judge:[ATTACH=CONFIG]363199[/ATTACH]Is that blue on his/her head?

JeanieG 09-16-2012 03:08 PM

Oh yes, I think it is blue!

oksewglad 09-16-2012 06:26 PM

Oh yes blue the softest shade of aqua

mirabelle 09-17-2012 02:26 AM

Carriem I am using yellow also, although mine is a bit darker. I am also using a mixture of creams for my background so my quilt will be not be as crisp as the blue and white.

I have photos to share of our drive up the mountain but will have to post them tomorrow as the file is too big and failed. Ds will be over tomorrow so will get him to shrink the files for me.

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