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Kooklabell 06-19-2011 05:55 AM

Be real careful out there ladies. We're all enjoying our gardens this year - they are so beautiful!

I see, at least in our area, that ticks are heavy this year. I check myself like crazy after coming in from the yard.

But, unfortunately, I was bitten. We got the tick quickly - it had just attached. Almost two weeks later - the rash arrived. I have Lyme Disease! All these years of working in the garden, hiking in the woods, we've always had dogs..... I've been attacked :cry:

Please be careful, check behind you knees, around your hairline and waistline. If you find a tick and remove it, keep watching! It took almost two weeks for the rash to come. I thought it was a dog tick, it was large not itty bitty.


sueisallaboutquilts 06-19-2011 05:56 AM

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. I've been checking as well. So far I had poison ivy but that's it.
I hope you're better soon.

amma 06-19-2011 05:56 AM

(((HUGS))) So sorry this happened (((HUGS)))

Kooklabell 06-19-2011 05:57 AM

Thank you Sue! Poison Icky - I hate that! We've got lots of that this year too. It seems to be a great growing year for everything :) Hope your itch is better!

sueisallaboutquilts 06-19-2011 05:59 AM

Patricia, how are they treating you for it???

MissSandra 06-19-2011 06:15 AM

I hope you get different medicine, that does not make you ill, Lyme Disease is awful, our tennet did not spray the yard for ticks last year and has double the ticks this year, although shes finally sprayed she did come down with Lyme and the medicine they give for this is just awful on the body it makes her sick and exausted. Our agreement was she gets cheap rent for her grannie and 5 kids to take care of the property. she can't afford much rent wise with so many mouths to feed although I know she takes good care of the house the yard looks good but she has to spray!!

Candace 06-19-2011 07:32 AM

The scary thing is that the rash doesn't appear all the time and people can and do suffer with Lyme for years before diagnosis:<

Scrap Happy 06-19-2011 07:47 AM

I’m so sorry you got Lyme Disease and hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for the reminder to be careful. I think of my pets getting it not me (the dobie in my avatar got infected with Lymes Disease when she was about 4.) I wear a baseball cap that is open on top when I walk in the woods – but now that you have reminded me about this I’ll wear a regular one and be more observant. Take care and get better.

ptquilts 06-19-2011 07:53 AM

yes, be sure to get treated. My DIL has chronic Lyme disease, did not get treated in time. She has been through a lot.

hperttula123 06-19-2011 09:07 AM

Sorry to hear that. I had a friend that had it last year. She took a while before she went to the doc and she was in alot of pain.

belmer 06-19-2011 09:37 AM

So sorry to here that......I am in my gardens all the time. I found a regular tick on one of my pugs, but it was just crawling and did not attatch itself yet! I keep checking myself too.I'm curious... How are they treating the disese?

belmer 06-19-2011 09:38 AM

So sorry to here that......I am in my gardens all the time. I found a regular tick on one of my pugs, but it was just crawling and did not attatch itself yet! I keep checking myself too.I'm curious... How are they treating the disese?

romanojg 06-19-2011 09:52 AM

Were we live there has never been a problem but my daughter works in a grooming shop and says they are seeing more and more dogs coming in with them.We make sure what we treat our animals with also have the tick prevention in it.

Scrap Happy 06-19-2011 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by romanojg
Were we live there has never been a problem but my daughter works in a grooming shop and says they are seeing more and more dogs coming in with them.We make sure what we treat our animals with also have the tick prevention in it.

The ticks here in FL didn't used to carry Lyme Disease either. We used tick prevention in the summer but not winter. The year our dog got Lymes disease was the beginning of vets seeing Lyme Disease here. They suspect the ticks came here with the mulch but aren't sure.

Moonpi 06-19-2011 01:00 PM

I had Lyme twice. The first time, I had the classic rash, and six weeks of tetracycline later, I was fine. The second time, no rash. I thought I was going to be crippled for life, suffered for a year, and it left me with fibromyalgia.

If you think you have it, please get checked out. I waited and went from healthy and strong to permanent damage.

Mimito2 06-19-2011 01:04 PM

I had a tick bite that had the bulls eye rash come up and by the time I got "worked in" at the DR office it was dissipating to just pale pink. He said it was a bug bite and refused to do anything about it. Is there a test I can demand that he do? This was 4 years ago and I have started having chronic joint pain.

azwendyg 06-19-2011 01:12 PM

Every one here is right; do get it treated right away! And insist on getting tested if you even suspect you may have it.

My DH went undiagnosed with Lymes for well over a year. He was very ill and couldn't work; lots of common symptoms but the docs here in Arizona wouldn't even test for it back when he got it in the 90's. We finally got him tested and treated. He never had the classic bulls-eye rash either, but his test results were definitively positive. After almost a year of various antibiotics, he's left with tremors, insomnia and other various neurological problems. He's been disabled since; changed our lives dramatically.

Kooklabell 06-19-2011 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
Patricia, how are they treating you for it???

I've been given an antibiotic to take twice daily for 21 days. I don't have any symptoms except the rash and I know exactly when I was bit. We caught it early

Kooklabell 06-19-2011 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by belmer
So sorry to here that......I am in my gardens all the time. I found a regular tick on one of my pugs, but it was just crawling and did not attatch itself yet! I keep checking myself too.I'm curious... How are they treating the disese?

I thought mine was a "regular" tick too! It was big, like a dog tick. But it turned out to be an adult deer tick. I have the antibiotics and all should be fine. Thank you. Please just keep looking if one gets into your skin. Mine was hardly attached - was only on me for a few hours.

Kooklabell 06-19-2011 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by Moonpi
I had Lyme twice. The first time, I had the classic rash, and six weeks of tetracycline later, I was fine. The second time, no rash. I thought I was going to be crippled for life, suffered for a year, and it left me with fibromyalgia.

If you think you have it, please get checked out. I waited and went from healthy and strong to permanent damage.

Oh, I did. As soon as I saw the classic bulls eye. I have the tetracycline. I wondered what happens from now on, if I could get it again. Shoot, I was hoping that now I'd be immune. :cry:

Lena1952 06-20-2011 03:31 AM

DE is the worst state for Tick Bourne diseases. Lymes is only one of 13 kinds of TBD. Lucky me to live in the #1 state for it! My hubby, who works outside, has had TBD 3 times, myself twice and my oldest son (36) got it last year when he came to live with us for a while. He had a very bad case and although treated early will always have issues resulting from it. Please follow your doctors advice very carefully. This disease is sneaky and very risky. Take care and thanks for thinking to warn others about the potential hazzard. Hope you feel better soon.

Happy Treadler 06-20-2011 06:15 AM

I live in PA, and my then 7-year-old son got it last year. His regular doctor refused to give him antibiotics until 2 weeks later when he was tested, so I took him to the ER & they gave it right away. He was on it for over a month, and we need to watch for flareups. Two of our neighbors also have Lyme. I'm seriously considering getting a herd of guinea hen to combat them. HATE them blood-sucking things. :(

sandpat 06-20-2011 06:19 AM

Oh no, I feel really bad for you. My DH had this about 4 yrs. ago form a tiny tick. He still suffers from it! No...its not funny!

caspharm 06-20-2011 08:30 AM

Sorry to hear. I hope they have given you treatment.

hcarpanini 06-20-2011 08:33 AM

I went undiagnosed for a year. what a nightmare! Heavy duty IV antibiotic and am Lyme free.

doll-lady 06-20-2011 09:30 AM

what kinds of symptoms do you have from lyme disease. i ask because i found a tick embedded and had died on my shoulder. i dug it out and then a month or so later, i woke up one morning with all ten toes and part of my feet completely numb. it was sunday so waited until monday and they thought i may have ms. they gave me some medicine for several days and it helped the symptoms but they didn't go away completely. they sent me to a neurologist and he did some tests for the ms but not the one that would really tells for sure so we just ended up and dropped it for the time being. i had gotten better but still have numbness in my toes and feet and hands. it is manageable so far. the doctors told me it was too late to test for the lyme disease. it has been 3 years and i am better than i was to begin with but still have numbness. they say i don't have diabetes, that their best guess is i have a virus and that they hope the symptoms will eventually go away but that they just don't know, that it might not.

Jamiestitcher62 06-20-2011 10:01 AM

I have a friend that was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and was taking those nasty drugs for 2 years. They weren't helping and she decided that she didn't have Rheumatoid Arthritis and had a lyme disease test done. Apparently there are 7 or 8 different lyme diseases you can have.

Anyway after all the testing, she found out that she doesn't have Rheumatoid Arthritis, she has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I guess the symptoms for the arthritis and lyme disease are very similar to the Fever.

Most of the time the doctors will only give you one test instead of the multiple ones that are out there for lyme disease.

Vickymomof6 06-20-2011 10:03 AM

It is a very bad year for ticks. I think because of the rain. Good advice for all to take.


Nancy Ingham 06-20-2011 10:12 AM

Great warning and word of caution Kookie! On June 6, 2011 I went to the emergency room at our local hospital due to a bite that displayed the rash and distinctive ring. The doctor told me that it takes two to three weeks from being bitten by a tick until you display the rash and ring. Blood work was negative for Lyme disease however I was put on Amoxicillin for 21 days (every six hours around the clock)and told to return and repeat the blood work in three weeks. I don’t even have a garden, but have found ticks on me just out walking my Bella! The ticks are very heavy this year here in New Hampshire as well. Take care all.

sueisallaboutquilts 06-20-2011 10:40 AM

Patricia, I'm so glad you're being treated and thanks for the reminder for the rest of us.

EllijaysUFOqueen 06-20-2011 12:17 PM

I developed HBP from LymeD. Please everyone, insist your doctor test you and if he doesn't get another doctor. Unfortunately this tick bite can cause problems in any part of your body and organs. More reseach is desperately needed but too many doctors do not take it serious enough. Good luck to you all.

cheryl rearick 06-20-2011 01:06 PM

I also got lyme Disease when we lived in NY and I was working in the yard. Mine turned into a bulls eye and got very sore. Went to the Dr. got some medication and so thankful and fine today. :)

auntiehenno 06-20-2011 01:21 PM

I killed somethng last nite, don't believe it was a tick, but it was loaded with blood. Going to take to my Dr. this week.

gerswin 06-20-2011 01:28 PM

you might want to ask your doctor to check you for erlichea(spelled as it sounds as I'm terrible at spelling) and rocky mountain spotted fever. both are carried by ticks and some ticks carry all 3. hope you recover quickly and without too many problems. :)

wanda lou 06-20-2011 01:49 PM

good info to post.

Feather3 06-20-2011 02:50 PM

If you even think you've been bitten by a tick get to the doc or hospital/ER ASAP & insist they test & treat you. If they refuse go to a different doc and/or ER. If left go you can & will get Lyme disease. This is nothing to mess with as it can cause permenant nerve damage, organ damage, etc. You don't always get the rash or bulls eye either. Docs just don't take this serious enough.

mimee4 06-20-2011 03:53 PM

I am so sorry to hear the stories of Lyme disease. A friend had it and he was in the hospital, truly out of his mind. He did get ok but it was a long time. Please do be careful.

great aunt jacqui 06-20-2011 04:07 PM

Glad you were tested and not made to suffer and suffer without a diagnosis. That happened to a friend of ours. After 6 years of treatment. IVs every day for over a year...lost his job, almost lost his wife and then 3year old twinn girls. They never saw him as a well dad. He searched and found specialists in Lyme . He travelled every week to CT, Ins did not pay for the treatment he got there. thankfully he is halfway there.
So please check for those ticks...no matter what kind they are.
check in kids socks and shoes ours too.

stitchofclass2 06-20-2011 05:16 PM

I am so sorry that you were attacked by a deer tick. That stinks. For me, I went to the hair dresser on Thursday and she found a (regular) tick in my hair. Yuk!!! I try to always wear a hat but didn't that week. So you are absolutely right. Be careful especially with children.

brushandthimble 06-20-2011 06:07 PM

I was routinly ?sp- tested by a blood test as part of my physical, based on the town I live in. I have a large yard backed by woods, the little girl next door age 7 has had it 3 times.

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