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Riversong 01-04-2012 07:11 AM

My daughter and grandson on news!!!
I dont remember how to make a direct link,,,someone feel free,,,thanks!

suebee 01-04-2012 07:19 AM

Good for them for standing up to the district. No child should be harrassed, humiliated like that especially in front of the whole class. I feel for your Grandson and hope justice prevails. Thank you for sharing :) You should be so proud as Im sure you are :):):)

CajunQuilter2 01-04-2012 07:26 AM

I know how that is as my son has A.D.D. and his high school years were very rough. For the most part he had awesome teachers but there is ALWAYS that ONE and his was when he was a Jr.
Keep us posted please.

alwayslearning 01-04-2012 07:43 AM

Your daughter has done a lot right raising this child. I am so proud of him for standing up for his rights!

Kitsie 01-04-2012 10:12 AM

I'm so sorry for what they had to go through! And grateful for what they are doing!

My grandson suffered through pre-school, kindergarten and grades one and two. Kept being regarded as a discipline problem. We worried about his future but FINALLY in grade three he had a teacher who "got" it and in the next few years (aided by medication, also) he has become a super star. Lucky, lucky boy!

Arleners 01-04-2012 05:02 PM

My son has Aperger's Syndrome, which is a form of autism. He is now 32 years old, has college degree and a steady job. However, this was in spite of the school system. For the most part his school years were a nightmare, with much the same experiences as your grandson. I spent so much time at the school in his elementary years and it did him little good. I hear things are better now days, but what the article described in just the sort of thing he suffered through. Just be there, be supportive and give him lots of love. It's hard to determine when to be tough and when to fight, but use your instinct.

It does get better.

GreatStarter 01-04-2012 05:37 PM

I am livid that any so called teacher would behave this way. Please tell your grandson and daughter that I am proud they stood up to such bullying. Be there in support of them and point out your grandson's positive behaviors.

Life will get better some day, have faith.


alfosa421 01-04-2012 05:56 PM

tell them to fight hard for his rights. there are laws in pace to protect kids with disabilities even if we can't see what they are-my duaghter had issues at different levels of school because of spina bifida but we were blessed with a proncipal who gave us a book explaining that she had every right and then some to get whatever she needed to get her education Ultimately she finished high school online at home due to medical issues but if your child has an IEP plan in place that teacher should be disciplined and the idiot who didn't make the teacher aware of the IEP. Good luck and God Bless your grandson!!!

ChaiQuilter 01-04-2012 06:50 PM

It really gets me that they expect your daughter to pay for an online class!

Jingle 01-04-2012 07:43 PM

Three of my Grandsons were on medication to help them control their actions so they could learn. The one that had the hardest time is now in college with a 3.8 grade average, he is a very smart young man. The second is in high school, 3rd is serving in the U.S. Army, defending our freedoms. I hope things get better real soon.

mythreesuns 01-06-2012 04:37 AM

Oh how I remember these days of a A.D.H.D child in school... our oldest was a nightmare until we saw one doctor..oh the help he gave us was excellent. He said the one most important part of a child with A.D.H.D.. is clear cut guidelines. Teachers have a rough job as it is, and then to deal with a A.D.H.D child can be rough on some teachers. But they are adults and should know no child (nor adult) is going to respond to being the center of attention in a negative way. The teacher has to stop and think..how would I (or my child) want to be treated in this situation. I am glad your family has brought this issue to light..as this teacher did wrong.

damaquilts 01-06-2012 06:50 AM

Teachers doing this is nothing new. I had an English teacher in high school that decided I was her "pick on" kid for the year. She criticized my clothes, called on me when she knew I didn't know the answer and then proceeded to act like I was just too stupid for words.It was bad enough I was bullyed horribly by the kids let alone have a teacher that did it. I was socially inept, still am, but I was also being raised by grandparents who were abusive , mentally and physically, . I didn't dress like the other kids, I wasn't allowed out to do the things others were doing and was consistantly told at home how stupid and ugly I was among other nasty things. Went to school black and blue many times. But this was back in the late 60's . I am glad someone stands up to teachers who act this way.

EmbQuilt 01-06-2012 06:50 AM

Your grandson is a handsome boy! He should contact the news people directly on their contact us part of the page to get the download.

Each state has a special education department that overseas local school districts, your daughter needs to take her complaint to the state level. Also, there are plenty of free lawyers who would take up this case. The school district will do all it can not to pay.

sewnbug 01-06-2012 08:31 AM

Good for your daughter standing up for her son.

0tis 01-06-2012 08:41 AM

I have a grandson with the same ADHD - he really struggles in school - he is such a bright kid - its amazing how quickly he learns when he has one on one time. I am glad your daughter is standing up to the District - it can be hard to stand up for your rights and look at the lesson she is teaching her son. Good for her and keep us updated.

squires1042 01-06-2012 12:38 PM

Good for your, my son strugggled all the way through school and they wanted us to put him on medication which we refused to do. He was also embarassed and made to read in front of a class and made fun of by a teacher and the students. When he got upset and reacted he was suspended for three days from school. The teacher was never admonished for his behaviour. It wasn't until he got a teacher who realized that he was dyslexic and not ADHD that he started to do well once he had someone who could teach him. Then as soon as he started to do well he was moved back into mainstream and he started to fail again. The principal at the time said he was just lazy and all his problems were his fault. Thank goodness he is no longer there. The end result my son quit school, and although he went back and got his GED it took two times before he could finally pass the english portion of it (reading comprehension). Sadly there are hundreds of kids who get lost between the cracks because the education system is not able to handle them unless they are mainstream.

writerwomen 01-06-2012 02:10 PM

When our oldest was in grade school he befriended a boy with ADHD that could be a hand full but was made worse by a Mom who was a mess and a female principle who didn't like boys in the first place. Our son stood up for him when they harrassed and bully his friend on the playground, assemblies etc. Our son is small in frame but big in heart. Our son suddenly became the target of harassement for defending his friend. In the end we ripped into the school and the Superintendent who tried to claim since he hadn't hired her (the principle or her stooge the police liasan) he wasn't accountable. (in the end both the principal and the police officer were removed as well as other staff who had been put in place to handle such kids)
Part of our calls took part while we were suit shopping in a mall and they were very heated for which we did not apologize. Once off the phone we were approached by one of the sales clearks who said- I wish my parents would have done for me what you are doing for this boy. I was kicked out of school and am now trying to get my GED while working 2 jobs. Never appologize for standing up for your kids When you put people on a pedastal things like this hapen and then you have to knock it out from under them which can be a serious battle

Mousie 01-06-2012 04:11 PM

There is a lot of adhd in my family.
So sad that kids have to struggle with it and with grown adult teachers??? (behaving childishly).
Some things don't change much.
I agree with lots of positive reinforcement and educating this child is the school's responsibility. Stand your ground!

Quilterfay 01-06-2012 09:49 PM

I was one of those kids that could not read. I was teased and excluded by classmates. It didn't help that I was poor on top of that. My grade three teacher humilated me something terrible. When I got to Grade 4 I had the sweetest teacher and she supported me and I began to read. Once I got my confidence up I could read and especially after I didn't have to stand in front of my classmates to read. I remember being sent out into the hallway because I couldn't read. Now wasn't that a positive way to help someone read.

My sons came home and told me that their grade 3 teacher, they each had the same one, was humilating them in front of the class. I went over there and told her she had better never do that again to my sons or she would hear about it. I was so angry at her I could of choked her.
Now my granddaughter is going through the same thing. She is now in grade 4 and is struggling with her reading and math. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and we are having a hard time finding the right resources to help her with these subjects. She is as smart as a whip but can not comprehend these classes. They continue to test her for Autism or some form of it. I just hope and pray that everything works out for her.

So congratulation for your daughter standing up for her son. Sadly we can not rely on the school system to do the right thing for these children.

nancia 01-06-2012 09:49 PM

as a teacher it is difficult at best to be sure each child is getting what they need each day. and as a person it is so easy to make a mistake. sadly, those mistakes affect a child's life . that is the job a parent and a teacher signs up for. let's not forget the human-ness of those performing the jobs and hope for the strength to help them perform their jobs for the best for all. no one gets through life unscathed, but we all hope and pray not to be the one to hurt another, especially a child. i hope the teacher sees his mistake and is willing to correct it and apologize. and be alert to it never happening again. good luck, chris! standing up for yourself, and others, is a good lesson to have learned!
i was a teacher for many years, my classroom was always the first stop on the way into the main stream from educational support. i wanted every child to succeed, and so did all the teachers i worked with. it wasn't all roses. there were struggles. but not one teacher was mean spirited and wanted to hurt the kids. we had bad days, just like everybody else does, but we honestly did our best for each child. the ones that didn't want to work with the kids soon left! the money wasn't good enough to keep you there! you had to feel the reward of a job well done or you just wouldn't stay. i'm sure that isn't true everywhere, but most teachers are teachers for that very reason. they want to teach! to make a difference!

wanda lou 01-06-2012 10:39 PM

So proud of them for taking a stand, please keep us up dated and i will keep them and my prayers.

mmonohon 01-06-2012 11:00 PM

Shame on that teacher.

sassey 01-06-2012 11:04 PM

So glad you posted I am so happy your daughter and grandson are standing up to them and by you posting it here it is another way to stand up for your grandson Many prayers will be said on there behalf

maryfrang 01-07-2012 02:45 PM

Maybe the teacher needs to go back to school. When a student has a problem with his studies, the teacher should be the first line of help with the student. My oldest son had several learning problmes, he was in a special class but was mainstreamed into a regular class. The teacher was making fun of him in that class since he did not have the right answer. When he came home he told us and we made a appointment to talk to the principal about the problem. He had the teacher meet with us, and the teacher was to spend extra time in the special class with the learning disabilites teacher. We never had an issue again with the teacher or our son. It seemed like the teacher needed some education too. Good luck, I hope the school does what is right.

Maggie_Sue 03-04-2012 12:46 PM

Would be interested in how this was resolved.

EllieGirl 03-04-2012 02:58 PM

I retired last May after 37 years in education, most of it in special education. The students I worked with had learning and behavior disorders. I gained a reputation as a problem teacher because I challenged the regular class teachers who would not make the required modifications. Many people get into teaching for the wrong reasons and don't have the understanding or patients needed to work with students who don't fit into the "box" that education expects students to fit into.

I went through this with my younger daughter and she's already going through it with her 4 year old. He doesn't have ADHD, that I can tell, but he's very smart and is also bored with school. He knew all his letters and numbers 1-10 this time last year and he hasn't gone any further and this preschool/daycare. We're all suspecting he may have obsessive
compulsive disorder because he gets pretty upset when things aren't in the routine he's used to. He's just like his mom was, very smart but learns in a different style.

Personally, I'm glad I am out of education now.

EllieGirl 03-04-2012 03:00 PM

I retired last May after 37 years in education, most of it in special education. The students I worked with had learning and behavior disorders. I gained a reputation as a problem teacher because I challenged the regular class teachers who would not make the required modifications. Many people get into teaching for the wrong reasons and don't have the understanding or patients needed to work with students who don't fit into the "box" that education expects students to fit into.

I went through this with my younger daughter and she's already going through it with her 4 year old. He doesn't have ADHD, that I can tell, but he's very smart and is also bored with school. He knew all his letters and numbers 1-10 this time last year and he hasn't gone any further and this preschool/daycare. We're all suspecting he may have obsessive
compulsive disorder because he gets pretty upset when things aren't in the routine he's used to. He's just like his mom was, very smart but learns in a different style.

Personally, I'm glad I am out of education now.

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