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vicki reno 08-27-2008 03:12 AM

Good to hear from you, Toni! I get spells where all I want to do is read! Don't worry, the bug will hit again. I know lots of us sew in spurts, including me. Somedays you'd have to threaten me with a big stick just to get me in the spare bedroom, other days, look out!, don't get in my way, I'm going to go sew! :lol: Glad to hear that your son is doing well. My grandson is home schooled, and I really wish my daughter would send him to school. He needs to be with other kids and adults--he's been spoiled by his mom and now he can be kind of a big brat sometimes. I guess I just need to pray that one day my daughter will see that real school is a good thing for him.
Your father in law sounds like a real gem. Give him a big hig from me and we will hope that his kidneys don't get any worse.

beachlady 08-27-2008 03:37 AM

Toni, I am glad everything is ok and that you are just taking a break. Glad step Dad is behaving and getting needed medical help. I haven't done much sewing this summer either - too much company to entertain. Had kids and adults here from June 17th - last to go home this Saturday!!!!! Free at last soon. Take care!

Quilting Aggi 08-27-2008 03:48 AM

Hi Toni.. yes we have missed you very much!! So glad to hear your Step Dad is doing well and back at the chainsaw again (well supervised that is :) ) He sounds like a real trooper and won't let anything get him down.

You will have the quilting bug again I know! Especially will all your fabric around you to get you inspired :)

Hugs to you!

Bevanger 08-27-2008 05:19 AM

Hey Toni, Long time no see girl. So glad to hear step dad is doing good.

Marcia 08-27-2008 10:06 AM

Toni-so glad to hear your stepfather is doing well. Hope they get his kidneys fixed right up too. Read all you can, life is short and there are a lot of good books out there. The quilting bug will bite you again. You can't stay away too long! Stay in touch.

quiltwoman 08-27-2008 01:13 PM

It's hard to imagine your children being in high school. I was okay until driver's ed...then it hit me! I'm glad he likes school.

We have had so much rain, even though it's still 70 and muggy outside, I have been making soup...I think we are ready for fall. I'm making some chilli for tomorrow night :D

Your fil is lucky you took such good care of him. I hope he does well with whichever way they proceed.

welcome back.

sandpat 08-28-2008 04:14 AM

Hi Toni, been missing you here but glad to hear all things seem to be getting back to "normal".

Things do happen for a reason..so I'm glad that is all seeming to work out for the best.

We'll be seeing you quilting again sometime soon..that fabric will be calling your name. If not...then still stay in touch!!

ButtercreamCakeArtist 08-28-2008 04:33 AM

It was good to hear from you. Yes, I noticed you hadn't been on the Board. I have been thinking about you and wondering about your Step-Daddy. My Papaw ran a chainsaw all of his life. He was in his 70s and would get up in the middle of the night and fire that chainsaw up! My Mamaw and Papaw lived up on a mountain with no running water or indoor plumbing. My Mamaw had a lot of health problems and had strokes that left her in a wheelchair and with the use of only one arm. They had 11 kids, so some of the kids took turns with them. Some of the kids went in on a brand new trailer for them, and it was put in beside of my parents' so my Mom could help take care of them both (and others came in as much as they could, but Mom didn't work outside the home, and it was beside of her...). So, one night my Mamaw is lying in bed, in a different place than she's used to, and she can't see outside because there is no light out there. It was probably 3 am... Well, Papaw got up and fired up the chainsaw and cut a hole all the way through their bedroom wall so he could run one of those trouble lights (you know those kind on the orange extension cord that has the "cage" around the bulb?!) through the hole for an outside light!!!!!
He had a porch cobbled onto the entire length of the trailer. It consisted of about 4 rooms that you walked through one room to get to another. They all had doors on them. He nailed it right to the new trailer and painted it bright green! And he did it all with his chainsaw! I liked it. It gave me a lot of space to play!

I'm glad you noticed your Step-Dad's blood pressure and that the kidney problem was caught earlier.

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