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Quilt4u 10-22-2009 02:56 AM

I was going threw my stash last light looking for something. And came across a yard of fabric from my first quilt that I made my DGS's quilt with. That makes that one pice of fabric 8 years old. The oldest I have in my stash. Do you have some fabric that is old? And if do can you remember what you made from it or was going to make?

Dawn Hendrix 10-22-2009 03:02 AM

I have fabric from when my grandmother made me dresses. I will be 40 in a few days... I try to put a little piece of it on my quilts.. even if it is in the label .. she is the one who taught me to sew.

Ninnie 10-22-2009 03:13 AM

I have material that is 13 years old. I have some green that I put in a dinosaur quilt for my grandson, and I use a small piece of it in every scrap quilt I make. He is 15 now and still asks me where his part of each quilt is, and always looks to find his green. :lol: :lol: I still have about 1/2 a yard of it, and I do use it sparingly. I also have some bow tie squares that were hand made by my grandmother , from feed sacks, and they are at least 50 years old.

lfw045 10-22-2009 03:15 AM

I have frabric that was dye cut for my grandmother so I have no clue how old it is but it is old for sure. My mother and her two of her sisters worked in garment factories so there was always scraps available it seems. I have 4 large totes full of fabric and UFO's that belonged to my mother. Some of that fabric still has the price tags on it. I see from time to time when I go through it fabric that she made me clothes out of. I'm 56 so that gives you some idea how old it is. :D

Quilting Aggi 10-22-2009 03:25 AM

I"m figuring I have stash that is close to 15 years old in my stash. That is when I started quilting, so I would say I have pieces from that time.

granny216 10-22-2009 04:24 AM

OK-I have fabric from 50 years ago, at least and some feed sacks that are older plus a lot of vintage fabric. Don't have any pieces left from that far back as I used to just buy what I needed, HUH....Then the quilting bug bit me and now have tons of fabric. I don't have to go shopping for more very often but I sometimes still get carried away in a quilt shop or at a show...MUST HAVE, but I don't know what for. :lol:

pocoellie 10-22-2009 04:27 AM

I would say that some of my stash is at least 15 years old. There are some pieces bought at auctions, yard sales, etc., that are older.

mic-pa 10-22-2009 04:44 AM

I don't have any stash more than 3 or 4 ysrs old. I like the new stuff that comes out every year so try not to keep much on hand. I am working on Christmas Projects right now. Marge

carrieg 10-22-2009 04:54 AM

This week we had a speaker at our guild, Beth Ferrier. She says she has no stash! Since she designs patterns, she has to use the newest available fabric. Said if she didn't do that, all us quilters would not appreciate it! LOL

My stash is only 6 years old....that's when I started quilting! I did no sewing before that. Now, if you're talking cross stitch or embroidery, that's a different story.

crkathleen 10-22-2009 05:05 AM

I still have pieces from when I first started quilting about 9 years ago. It's all inferior quality so I don't use it. Not sure why I keep it in my stash. haha
I also still have some decorator's fabric that I bought and made my first big quilt (king) for my mother. I washed it before I gave it to her and then promptly had to sew it back together!
I'm self taught, the hard way! :lol:

amandasgramma 10-22-2009 06:06 AM

I have some stash from my GREAT grandmother's stash --- I'm almost 60 ....don't know how old that is! MY stash is about 35 yrs old....some fabric from my daughter's first clothes.

Up North 10-22-2009 06:44 AM

Since I just started quilting less than 2 years ago my stash is small and pretty new except for a few pieces my mom gave me and they could be pretty old! I also have some Dresden plates from feed sacks.

PuffinGin 10-22-2009 07:04 AM

Most of my stash is 5 or less years old because I'm relatively new to quilting. However, I do have fabrics, mostly not quilting cottons, from over fifty years ago, the length of time I've been sewing. Looking through the boxes of old stuff is a real nostalgia trip for me, remembering what I made or, in some cases, planned to make with the fabric. If it would fit me (won't), I'd love to finish that denim jean jacket and pants set I started 30 something years ago. The jacket only needs snaps and finishing touches. :roll:

DA Mayer 10-22-2009 07:26 AM

I know some of my fabric is from 25 years ago and my mom always had fabric drawers or boxes and I have some of that so some pieces are even older. Not everything is cotton.

scrappylouisa 10-22-2009 09:40 AM

My stash goes back to 1969. I sewed all my clothes for my senior year in high school. I would use some of the leftover fabrics to make my 3 little sisters play clothes. I recently found some of those scraps and hope to make a quilt using them soon.

Scissor Queen 10-22-2009 09:47 AM

The oldest quilt fabrics I have are around 10 years old.

I have a piece of fabric I bought in the middle 70s to make a dress though. It's polyester so it'll probably just stay a piece of fabric. I know that dress pattern won't fit anymore and I don't wear dresses anymore anyway.

Tippy 10-22-2009 09:48 AM

Well, I know for sure that a bunch of my fabric is from the early 80's, and some before that.. I'm just not sure..lol
My mom had the old stuff and I think she "cleaned house" when I was overseas, so I wasn't there to object..lol..... probably a good thing.

sewmom 10-22-2009 10:14 AM

I have fabric from sewing projects that are probably 30 yrs. old-not so much quilting, but garment fabrics. I've been quilting for about 15 years or more-more in the last 10. my stash is outgrowing my room. It's embarassing when people see it. it's out of control.

Honey 10-22-2009 10:14 AM

Some of my stash items are over 50 years old. Feed sack, flour sack, so forth. I also made all of my own cloths since I was in seventh grade and I am now 58. My kids and grandkids love it when I make a scrap qilt and tell them what each piece represents. In fact, my daughter writes on the back of each piece what it is from.

dizzy 10-22-2009 10:17 AM

I have a oiece that I know is over twentyfive yrs old.Cause K-Mart stopped selling material before I got out of highschool.An I happen to
have graduated in 1982 it was about five or six yrds.An I put it in a
wedding ring quilt that is WIP.An I have a bunhes of material that I got
at thrift stores that I know is as old as the other piece of material.

hilandflwr 10-22-2009 10:18 AM

I started sewing with my grandmother when I was about 9. I don't have anything that old--the oldest fabric in my personal stash is about 31 years old from the baby clothes I made for my first nephew. I also have my grandmother's stash. Some of that is from the 30's. I made a quilt from Grandma's fabric for my mother and aunt, and there's still enough left to make another one for me. :)
Sometimes I just like to sit in the middle of the floor and go through all the boxes, sorting and resorting, and remembering.

SuzzyQ 10-22-2009 10:25 AM

I have material from my grndmothers stach bought during the late 40's - so its about 60 years old. Scared to use it. Want to fix a crazy quilt she made.

Cathe 10-22-2009 10:28 AM

I recently used a piece that I bought when my 2nd son was a baby. He is 23 now.

Tink's Mom 10-22-2009 11:23 AM

My stash dates back to my oldest son's baby quilt. He will be 32 in Jan.

rivka 10-22-2009 12:01 PM

I inherited some of my grandmother's stash (almost all small pieces). Considering how very ugly some of it is, they've got to be from the 60's and 70's.

trolley station 10-22-2009 12:04 PM

I have some that I made my daughters school dresses from. They are now 49 and 50 years old. Boy, does that make me old!!!!!

MadQuilter 10-22-2009 12:08 PM

20 years +

Deara 10-22-2009 12:10 PM

I have a piece of Strawberry Shortcake fabric from the 70s that I made

my girls' summer dresses from.


sewjoyce 10-22-2009 12:11 PM

I have some pretty old fabric in my stash -- from the 40's thru to the 60's. My darling SIL gave me 2 big boxes of fabric that they found in his grandmother's barn after she died last year.

sarahelloyd 10-22-2009 12:44 PM

Hi, I am new to posting, but have been reading for a while. I have a piece of my grandmother's wedding dress from 1924, and only yesterday I was trying to work out what I could work it into. How strange!

oksewglad 10-22-2009 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by Dawn Hendrix
I have fabric from when my grandmother made me dresses. I will be 40 in a few days... I try to put a little piece of it on my quilts.. even if it is in the label .. she is the one who taught me to sew.

How touching :lol:

Up North 10-22-2009 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad

Originally Posted by Dawn Hendrix
I have fabric from when my grandmother made me dresses. I will be 40 in a few days... I try to put a little piece of it on my quilts.. even if it is in the label .. she is the one who taught me to sew.

How touching :lol:

I will now save some of the fabrics I use when teaching my 7 year old granddaughter in a special container just for her. Thanks for the memory maker!!

oksewglad 10-22-2009 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by crkathleen
I still have pieces from when I first started quilting about 9 years ago. It's all inferior quality so I don't use it. Not sure why I keep it in my stash. haha
I also still have some decorator's fabric that I bought and made my first big quilt (king) for my mother. I washed it before I gave it to her and then promptly had to sew it back together!
I'm self taught, the hard way! :lol:

Hey that stuff (inferior fabric) I gave to my sister and she crocheted me rag rugs! There's always a use for them and the uglies. :wink:
Oh and my stash really started in the early 80's but have some fabrics from my HS days as well.

oksewglad 10-22-2009 01:59 PM

Thanks for the idea Up North. Just so long as I don't forget where I put the pieces I've saved :roll: I have 4 gr daughters now and the oldest wants to teach me how to sew already. :lol:

Up North 10-22-2009 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad
Thanks for the idea Up North. Just so long as I don't forget where I put the pieces I've saved :roll: I have 4 gr daughters now and the oldest wants to teach me how to sew already. :lol:

I would take a plastic tote and label it with their names, let them divvy it up at a later date. I only have one granddaughter but 3 grandsons- 2 that like to sew so they can share the box of beginner scraps. May be a good idea to put a little note on each piece of the date and project- Man now I have more work to do!!! LOL

thequilterslink 10-22-2009 02:30 PM

My stash has some pretty old pieces in it, i know some i bought is at least 15 yrs old, and i have lots of 30's-50's pieces that were given to me. I can remember where i got lots of it, nevr WHY tho LOL

denverjjoy 10-22-2009 03:04 PM

I have material that I bought in the early 70's. But when my surrogate mother died, I inherited quite a stash, 2 1/2 car garage from floor to ceiling like library shelves and everything catagorized. Gave a lot of it but there is some beautiful linens, silks, cottons, etc that I know have to have been when her daughter was young and her daughter is now 80 yrs old. And it is still good. I have been making some baby quilts with this fabric as alegacy from her to the new babies.

crkathleen 10-22-2009 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad

Originally Posted by crkathleen
I still have pieces from when I first started quilting about 9 years ago. It's all inferior quality so I don't use it. Not sure why I keep it in my stash. haha
I also still have some decorator's fabric that I bought and made my first big quilt (king) for my mother. I washed it before I gave it to her and then promptly had to sew it back together!
I'm self taught, the hard way! :lol:

Hey that stuff (inferior fabric) I gave to my sister and she crocheted me rag rugs! There's always a use for them and the uglies. :wink:
Oh and my stash really started in the early 80's but have some fabrics from my HS days as well.

Thanks OK for the idea! now that you said that I thought about what I saw on Fons and Porter today. They did the bowls made out of cotton laundry cord. I could probably make a matching bowl to go with that quilt! It should stay together as long as she doesn't wash it! :lol:

marilyn y 10-22-2009 04:11 PM

I have fabric that is 55+ years old. It was from of my dresses when I was small. I started quilting in 1989 and I still have some of that fabric. I think there is some that is more than 20 years old also that my Mom gave me.

judy_68 10-22-2009 04:38 PM

Alot of my fabric is from sales. Some of it is probably pretty old. Some of you will see on here soon. Im trying to get rid of some of it. I have way too much and am trying to make extra money to go toward plane ticket for my son to come home from Korea for awhile.
Judy in Ohio

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