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Cathy M 01-04-2009 06:39 PM

Hi- I've been interested in making a prayer shawl and need to pick your wise brains. The patterns I've come across are for knitting and crocheting, two talents I do not possess. I did see a book advertised for quilted ones and before I take the plunge on that - Are the knitted and crocheted shawls basically a rectangle that are draped across the shoulders? Seems to me that you could use the same dimensions for a quilted one and be as creative as you wanted. What are your thoughts on this?

crashnquilt 01-04-2009 06:52 PM

Prayer Shawls can be rectangle or triangle, doesn't really matter. They are usually longer than a scarf so it can wrap completely around the front so feel more like a hug.

As far as an actual pattern to follow, sky is the limit. According to "legend" the knitted or crocheted shawl was to have a prayer attached to each stitch for the recipient. You can do the same with a quilt but the prayer would be on each piece of fabric on the quilt.

Hope this helps. Basically if you are making it a quilt you could think of it as a very long table runner.

Cathy M 01-04-2009 08:19 PM

Bless you crashnquilt :) :) :)

Shemjo 01-04-2009 08:42 PM

I saw a book on quilted prayer shawls at Hobby Lobby. I believe the idea is to be in a prayerful attitude while working on the prayer shawls. I don't think the pattern matters as much as the intent.

grannypjb 01-06-2009 01:57 PM

I am at present knitting a prayer shawl. I have made two for gifts and, yes, you are to pray for the person that is receiving the shawl as it is made.

I would think that a quilted one would be quite heavy. The ones I have made take 3 skeins of homespun yarn. Also, knitting is very easy.

Do you have a place near you that offers classes in knitting, crocheting, etc? That might be the way to go.

bj 01-06-2009 02:04 PM

I was in the LQS the other day and there was a lady in there buying a Pashmina (sp) shawl that she was going to machine embroider. She said it would be a prayer shawl for her sister.

julia58 01-06-2009 03:36 PM

I have the Prayer Shawl Quilts Book, there are 9 patterns in it. Looks like the Leisure Arts Books, but is put out by DRG ,306 East Parr Road, Berne, IN 46711 Telephone 260-589-4000. Also has House of White Birches. All the patterns are nice. I bought mine at A.C.Moore, hope this helps you out.

julia58 01-06-2009 03:55 PM

I will check when I go tomorrow to see if there are anymore. With a 50%off coupon and my employee discount, I can get most everything dirt cheep!!!

mimisharon 01-06-2009 04:57 PM

I don't think a quilted one would be so heavy, depending on what you make it with. I think it would be of comfort, I know that if I were to receive one it would mean the world to me.

You've given me a wonderful idea for a gift for a dear friend that is going through a tough time, though.


Cathy M 01-06-2009 06:58 PM

I'm thinking that a lightweight quilt might work out very well. I work in a hospital and thought maybe I would make a few to give to our pastoral office. The triangle shape just might be the ticket here. I have taken classes on crocheting to do rugs, but I'm soooo not good at it. My mother tried teaching me to knit and thought about poking me with the needles a few times hahaha..... what an incredible gift though, a physical sign of prayers- there is nothing stronger!

Barb M 01-06-2009 10:03 PM

Oh Cathy, i've never heard of a prayer shawl, that shounds incredibly awesome! I know the lap quilt Henry made me, every time i wrap up in it, it feels like a prayer quilt, like prayers are being said for me. That is an awesome idea you have, to give to the pastoral team, there is nothing people like better, than the comfort of a quilt wrapped around them. You are too awesome! Show us pictures when you get some done for sure!!! :) :) :)

Nita 01-07-2009 05:27 AM

Cathy ~ I am the coordinator of The Prayer Shawl Ministry at our church. It is truly a very meaningful ministry! When I started the group, I got most of my information from the world wide website: www.shawlministry.com/ Yes, most of the shawls are knit or crochet, but a quilted shawl would be wonderful as well. The shawls made by the women in my group are as unique and beautiful as the person who creates them. Some are rectangular, some are triangular, some are a small wrap and others are the size of a lap robe. There are really no "rules", per se, other than it should be created prayerfully, comfortable to the touch, and easy care machine wash & dry. As I say to my ministers, this is no time to invest in scratchy wool that needs to be hand washed and blocked! A simple lap sized quilt done in soft flannels would be perfect. Please do not hesitate to PM me if you would like any more information. I think you will find the website helpful and inspiring. Again, this is a beautiful ministry and I'm excited to see it grow. Bless you, bless you, bless you ~ Nita

Cathy M 01-07-2009 08:39 AM

This is going to be so fun! I will certainly post a picture when the idea gets jelled out :):) Right now its a rumblin' around in my brain for a pattern hahahaa...

mamatobugboo 01-07-2009 08:49 AM

prayer shawls are a true blessing. When my then 7 1/2 year old DD has surgery last year, she received a prayer shawl from our Ministry at church. The woman who picked it out went into the storage area, prayed about which one to choose, chose it and then gave it to my daughter. Ended up that my daughter's school secretary was the one who knitted it! What a God-thing! It's been almost a year and the shawl is still on the foot of her bed...and will go to the hospital with her for her next surgery in March!

Blessings to you!

Cathy M 01-07-2009 08:54 AM

I agree, God does guide us in these things. To me its always amazing when I shut up and actually listen, the answer is there :) :)

Barb M 01-07-2009 02:13 PM

I think there are lots of patterns you could use that could symbolize dif things. For instance, diamond patterns, diamonds can represent the love and strength of god, 9 patch chains, can symbolize that we are not alone, we are all linked together, hearts, flowers, all these things, you will find something to portray your special message, and it will be beautiful. A quilt label with a prayer or scripture verse, all these things, whatever you think of, will make your quilts precious :)

Cathy M 01-07-2009 07:07 PM

Hey Barb M- those are great ideas :) :) :) thank you :)

Carol W 01-08-2009 06:04 PM

What a wonderful gift a quilted prayer shawl would be.

Nita 01-09-2009 05:22 AM

Cathy ~ My ministry attaches a Presentation Tag to each prayer shawl we give. It reads as such:

This shawl was handmade for you.
As it was created, I prayed for you.
I asked the Lord to heal you
in body, mind, and spirit.
When you wear this shawl
may you be cradled in hope,
kept in joy,
graced with peace,
and wrapped in love.

Prayerfully made by
____(insert name)___________

Unfortunately, it is a bit "wordy' to use for a quilt label. but you could make a pretty tag to attach to your quilted shawl. Ours looks sort of like a bookmark, made out of layered card stock, pretty sticker, ribbon to attach (my passion before quilting was rubber stamping/card making).

Cathy M 01-09-2009 08:03 AM

Nita- thank you so much for your post. What a kind prayer- you know, everyday I am reminded of how wonderful people are on this earth. :) :) :)

joylavon 01-10-2009 07:12 AM

I use amazon.com a lot, I got a brand new book for 20 cents, 3.99 shipping. I ironed the ribbon book mark and gave it as gift. it was in perfect condition. I get quilting books for 3-10 depending on the book. check it out. I only once had a problem with a book being delivered late, in about 6 years.

dlf0122quilting 01-10-2009 10:34 AM

I am a member of the Prayer Quilt Ministry and we make quilts to be provided to those who are hurting or need prayers just like the recipients of the prayer shawls. We make our quilts lap sized, no wider than a width of fabric so we do not have to piece the backing. If the quilt is wider, we insert a large cross as the fill in to make the backing wider. I also was given a prayer shawl by one of my daughters and it is rectangular and lap sized.

Sara Street 01-10-2009 08:18 PM

I have not been able to do this yet, but have this website flagged for my "to do" list for the year: http://www.prayerquilt.org/

Lots of great information! What a ministry, too!

Good luck,
Sara Street
Sapulpa, OK

achancy 01-12-2009 06:00 PM

I also belong to a shawl ministry where they are either knitted or crocheted. My website is http://www.chancy.org/family/Shawl%20ministry/index.htm

Our church also has a quilt ministry called Prayers and Squares. These are not shawls but more like lap robes or crib size quilts. The idea is that each square is hand tied and each tie is a prayer. http://www.setonparish.org/index.cfm?load=page&page=347

I also belong to the Linus Club and while they dont necessarily pray over the quilts they go to a great cause. http://www.pldallas.org/

bettybrown 08-06-2009 06:09 PM

Thank you everyone for your help about the Pray Shawl. I can hardly wait to get started on one.

Loraine 08-08-2009 06:30 AM

You are absolutly right quilted shawl dimensions should be about the same as knitted or crochet. Perhaps a little longer because there is no give to them. Remember to make them long enough for the larger person. We tie quit ours. Each tie representing a prayer said for the person. We also do prayer lap quilts for those in wheel chairs. Loraine

janedennis 08-08-2009 07:21 AM

As for patterns, why not use some of the Bible Squares,


Wouldnt that make it more meaningfull.

wvdek 08-08-2009 07:21 AM

I too belong to our Prayer Shawl Ministry. We have crocheted countless numbers of shawls in varying widths, lengths, colors, and shapes. I seem to take the high road and do the triangle, and unusual patterns. I make sure the pattern is not too holy :oops: :lol: :roll: so that the recipient gets warmth from it as well as a thing of beauty. Our ladies group buys the yarn (Homespun from Lion brand) as it washes up nicely, works easily, and is soft.

I am looking at getting the quilting book and seeing about starting those.

This ministry is very God directed. I made a tied fleece blanket for one of the men of our church because a 'shawl' just didn't fit him if you know what I mean. He had to divorce his wife since she wouldn't stop doing drugs, (hey were married 43 years) he moved out of the home he had built for them and into a little A frame he redid. So he really has a cabin in the woods. Anyway, I made him a fleece tied blanket and 2 weeks later he received news of ill health. My husband says he does not want people to know he is sick, so in the church bulletin I always ask for prayer for unnamed recipient. Found out this gentleman and I do mean gentle man, goes to sleep under this blanket at nap time and has been known to wake up on his front porch the following morning under his blanket. He told my husband he knows it was made with love and prayers and he can feel that everytime he touches it. Wow! :XD: Sorry this was so long but please make the Prayer Shawls, Quilts, or whatever. They are well received and oh the joy they bring to maker and receiver.

Quilting G 08-24-2009 05:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I was in church today and realized that it is vary cold. HOT out side cold in the church. I got to thinking of making a shawl for church and when I started looking around could not find a free pattern for quilted shawl. I did find a shawl at C:\Documents and Settings\Gina\Desktop\Shawl.mht

I decided to start with that and make it a light weight quilt. Attached is one I came up with until I start it I won't know if I will add borders and I am not sure How I will do the binding on the inside angle. I just thought I would share. Can you imagine with zillions of blocks what you could come up with....

Please tell me what you think.

Gwyn 08-24-2009 05:39 PM

I think it is a beautiful quilt and idea. Thanks for sharing, Gwyn

Quilting G 08-25-2009 02:04 PM

Thanks for the nice comment. Now I just need to figure out what fabric to get.

ChristineD 08-25-2009 03:13 PM

Here is a link for a book of prayer shawl patterns


neece 09-02-2010 09:39 AM

Thank you so much for the note and information. My friend has to have spine surgery this month and I needed something for her. She had ovarian cancer 6 years ago and I made her a quilt and was racking my brain for something and there you all were. I need to get to work. :lol: 8-)

Beffy_Boo 09-02-2010 10:25 AM

Here is a link to a free download for a prayer shawl. God bless.

laceybritt 09-02-2010 11:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I learned to knit just to make prayer shawls! I love this light, lacey pattern. It is all one piece, nothing to sew together and I have made it reversible. It goes together fast as I work on it during car trips etc. I also make raggedy edge prayer quilts for the men and some for women if they perfer them to shawls.

dirty1mom 09-02-2010 04:14 PM

My mother is in charge of the sewing group at her church. They make lap quilts. They use 4-1/2 inch sqs. 99 sqs. 9 across x 11 down. some are just scrappy, some are plotted out on graph paper, some are kids prints. Use 1/4 inch seams, sew in strips, sew strips together. Pretty fast. They tie the center of every other sq. with yarn and pray as they tie. Quilts are for the ill, the bereaved, the newborns, etc.

Numa 09-02-2010 05:21 PM

My church group makes quilts for those in the congregation having surgery, illness, or that just need reminded that they are loved. It is amazing how we are led to colors, designs, etc that we discover later are perfect matches for the intended recipient. I've decided that God is a quilter!

wvdek 09-02-2010 05:56 PM

Amen sister!

trupeach1 09-02-2010 06:01 PM

I believe they are suppose to be made with 3, I was going to crochet them. It was 3 different colors or patterns, for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

dirty1mom 09-02-2010 06:02 PM

I don't think the colors really matter. It is the prayers and thoughts that count.

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