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Maribeth 04-09-2009 09:06 AM

Not sure were to post this, so . . .

Has anyone ordered fabric from Pam Bono? I have received two separate shipments of fabric and both smell terrible. The first was older clearance fabric (a few years old) and I just assumed it wasn't stored properly and I washed it. This clearance fabric was quite inexpensive (and for my stashbuilding) so I wasn't so bothered. The books that came with that order had no smell and her patterns are really easy and fun.

A few months later, in response to her email advertisement, I ordered three of her new 1/2 yard packs with two more books. This time both the fabric and books smelled terrible and the fabric wasn't cut quite 18" wide. I can't tell if it is smoke or mold that I smell. I spoke directly with Pam the day the second order came and she wanted me to pay to return the shipment, refused any kind of a credit, and denied the yardage was short or that the smell could have come from her warehouse. I was kind of shocked at how unpleasant she was about the issue. I was concerned about posting this and it has been a few months, but I am still bothered by this and wanted to get your input. I pm'd someone here on the QB and she thought as I do that I should ask you all and share my personal experience.

I washed the fabric and now it is really shy of 18" and there isn't enough to use for the pattern I had planned, so I guess that becomes stash as well. I sprayed Febreeze into the books' pages and left the books open in the sun and they seem to smell better but are a little crinkly from the Febreeze. A co-worker said to shake baking soda through the book for a few days then shake out, may try that as well.

But, I am still just surprised at the assumption I would try to take advantage. I have had a few other problems before with shipping mistakes from other LQSs and it has always been handled so well by the other business owners I have dealt with online. I understand we all make mistakes (however, I work so hard for my money I want it to go as far as possible) so I wanted to see if anyone else has ever received fabric from Pam Bono and the condition.

I am a huge fan of the LQS and use them both in person and online as often as possible. Not saying you shouldn't use her, just wanted to share my experience. Maribeth

sewjoyce 04-09-2009 12:23 PM

I personally have not ordered anything from this person/place.

I think you have the right to be upset at the bad smell and the short yardage, as well as her bad attitude. Of course, the bad attitude come have been because you weren't the first person that day/week to complain...

amma 04-09-2009 04:28 PM

I would be upset too! Did you use PayPal or Visa??? If so, check with them, there should be some kind of remedy that they can suggest :D

Moonpi 04-09-2009 04:54 PM

What a disappointment!

As a former smoker, I can admit that I never smelled cigarettes until I quit. I was smoke-free probably six months before I got in my car and it smelled "funny" because the smoke smell was no longer there. Mold starts asthma attacks for me, so it would've gone directly into the washer.

As to funky smells in books, the baking soda works. So does sunshine and leaving the book open in a sealed plastic container with charcoal. Each method takes a while.

Shemjo 04-09-2009 09:32 PM

So sorry to hear of your problem. :(

Maribeth 04-10-2009 03:21 PM

I appreciate your responses and SewJoyce you might have been right, I hadn't thought of that.

Moonpi, Thanks for the charcoal idea, I will give it a try.

Take Care, Maribeth

beachlady 04-10-2009 03:31 PM

Never ordered from her and now never will - thank you for the heads up.

littlehud 04-10-2009 06:13 PM

I have ordered patterns from her and always been happy. But, I have never ordered fabric. I would need to think twice about it now. I ordered a Baltimore Quilt book from Ebay and it reeks of smoke. As soon as I opened the package my whole family could smell it. I do love the book and will try your charcoal idea to see if it helps. I can't use it the way it is.

butterflywing 04-10-2009 09:37 PM

i think we've all had problems now and then with online orders.

i ordered fabric from an ebay dealer recently and when it came i could smell smoke as soon as i opened the package. also, the postage was a full $1.75 less than i was charged. this was a home business, so there was no minimum shipping cost. i immediately messaged her and her attitude was 'i never claimed my home was smoke free'. and 'i misjudged how much it would weigh'. but she did send a check for the difference in shipping and a letter of apology for the stinky fabric.

i think you should send a hard-copy letter of explanation and complaint, describing your disappointment at the quality of the items and the manner of service. tell her the steps you have taken to remedy the situation and what the result so far have been. stay calm. don't get angry, even though you should be. you get further with a reasonable letter than a phone call when she is busy and cranky.

keep us informed.

Tippy 04-10-2009 09:59 PM

another solution to smelly books is dryer sheets.. put both in a zip-lock bag and leave for a while.. I like the febreez ones best and put a piece of fabric between them if possible to keep the sheet from possibly marking the book.

Mousie 04-12-2009 04:15 AM

I have always been reluctant to order fabrics online, mostly bc I take a looong time, deciding on fabs, as I have a limited budget. I always have to 'feel' up the fabrics and to see if they are opaque or not, etc.
I have ordered once, by mail from keepsake qu and loved what I got. This board has made me feel a bit more confident, but it's nice to have a heads up as to what you may encounter with different companies.
I too, have some asthma and could not tolerate bad smells, and shortage of what you expected?...grrrr!
Her books are great, but one bad day on phone, can wreck a reputation. If I were her, after feeling a bit better, I would write a note to the caller, in this case, you...and make amends, and just say, "sorry, was having an off day, and shouldn't have...."
Glad you were honest with us, I will be careful. :)
P.S. thought bflywings suggestions were worth a try. I am very agreeable with ppl,...guess all those self help books about dealing with nasty people and diff types of personalities has paid off some, lol...but I am also, very, very serious about my fabrics...as I think, all of us quilters are. In this economy, we have to be, don't give up. No satisfaction, chalk it up to one bad experience and know that your sharing has not done anything that the person did not bring on themselves. If you get a different outcome on this, would be happy to hear about that too. Everybody gets a little cranky, now and then. (doesn't sound like just a bad day though.)

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