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Icesnowquilter 01-20-2008 08:05 PM

:?: :?: Well now what to I do? I just got started quilting good and was Loving it and How!!! Then a Big Mouth woman who is at q guild says things a lot and infers that my quilts are no good. I got to thinking about it and she never has showed anything . Well do I go back or let big mouth rule and stay out of it, she wants everyone to stay home I believe. I tried to get it the conversation and she gives me these dirty looks, I never felt so rotten. I've never been treated this way!!!! Icequilter

Kyiav10 01-20-2008 08:19 PM

I do not belong to a guild....besides this quild here, which is great by the way. But my .02 is keep going. Don't let the BIG MOUTH stop you. Continue to ask questions or make comments, don't show it bothers you.

Let us know if we can help more.


Moonpi 01-20-2008 08:48 PM

There's been a couple other threads like this before. I am not exactly a "people person" and would just get out of there if other options were available. It is one of the reasons I do not belong to one here - once they find out you are not sewing on a high-price machine, or would dare to use fabric not purchased for $20/yard, nothing else matters. You are automatically declared as underclass.

There are wonderful guilds out there, but not always available or convenient for everyone. Go with your gut - are you getting enough "good stuff" to tolerate one killjoy? She sounds like one of those "quilt police"

I do not suffer fools gladly, and at some point, would probably be rude to her and invite her to do unladylike things to herself. :!: :!: :!:
<How is that for political correctness?>

I think that is one of the draws here - creativity, skill, and wisdom are prized. Sure, there are people with pricey machines AND people with Walmart specials. There are paper piecers and applique folks and newbies and old timers. That diversity sparks a lot of creativity, and adds to the addictive aspects of quilting.

Norah 01-20-2008 09:48 PM

Politely ask her to show you how to improve your quilts. Ask to see hers so you will know how it is done right. Maybe she will put up or shut up.

k_jupiter 01-20-2008 10:24 PM

A gilded quilt. What an idea.

1.) I could care less what any self appointed expert thinks of my work. I am my harshest critic. None of them could ever hurt my feelings because I know what mistakes are in my work.

2.) You have all the guild you need here. Perhaps the critique is a little soft, we don't want to hurt feelings, but the support from this group is great.

3.) Express interest in classes from your local guild. There is a point where the idjits either have to put up or shut up.

4.) ALWAYS believe in yourself. The heck with the others.

tim in san jose

henryparrish76 01-20-2008 10:32 PM

Do what you like to do with your quilts regardless of what the big mouth thinks. If you like it and are proud of it, then thats all that matters! :)

Country Quilter 01-21-2008 02:30 AM

Oh boy..... I can stand a little criticism on my work but if she hasn't shown her "perfect" stitches, then I am with Tim... tell her to show you hers (put up or shut up!) so you know what she means when she says yours is "wrong"

Guilds, if I'm not mistaken, are for that purpose.... learning from others....

That's why I come here!!!! :)

This place is my favorite learning tool ... and the most fun too!

vicki reno 01-21-2008 04:01 AM

I don't belong to a guild, othere than this one. This is the way friends and cooleagues treat each other, not the way "big mouth" is doing it. I have a supervisor who has the same attitude. If you still get something meaningful out of it, then don't let her stop you from attending and participating. But if all it fosters is insecurity and self doubt, then stay away and enjoy this one. JUst think, there is always someone here 24/7 to encourage and help you, and NEVER criticize in a hateful or mean way. We all know, like Tim says, what our mistakes and/or flaws are. Its none of their business, unless soemone appointed them the "quilt police." "Big mouth" is not what a guild is suppose to be all about.

newquiltertoni 01-21-2008 04:49 AM

If you truly want to go back then do it. Don't let her get the best of you. Remember three things:
!. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you like your work that is what matters.
2. Misery wants company! Some people are only happy if others are miserable like them, don't feed into it.
And the important one:
3. You have a place that has people who care and will let you be yourself right here! Let loud mouth keep it up, sooner than later she will be all alone!

Shadow Dancer 01-21-2008 05:18 AM

If this guild is giving you something, then by all means continue to attend. As for big mouth....

When someone continuously criticizes or finds fault, it's not you that they are finding fault with...it's themselves. This woman has an over abundance of low self esteem, and in order to build herself up, she puts others down. She obviously lacks self confidence in her own abilities or she would show her work.

Don't let her pull you down to her level by making you question your talent.

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