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Catherine 05-15-2007 08:04 AM

I'm writting this in blue, cause this is how I feel....I HAVE been under alot of stress lately, with business and etc...and usually I"ll run to my sewing to help me overcome this..but for awhile now I will just stare at my projects...flip through my books...straighten up around the sewing area alittle, turn the machime on...and off...but cannot sew. Maybe it's because my 7 month old granddaughter might have to have surgery...our exchanges students are getting ready to return back home to their country...and we will be empty nesters again ( which I really don't mind)..I don't know what it is ...I can't work even on a simple apron I want to sew for my niece...I don't even want to WASH the fabric I bought 3 weeks ago ...What's wrong with me!!!!!??? See ..the font doesn't even come out in blue..aaagghh, did it? P/S. and that darn ghost in my avater is starting to #%@@ me off...now I have gone bonkers!!!!

vicki reno 05-15-2007 08:15 AM

Sounds like the blahs. I usally get them once I complete a project and need to start the new one, but just don't want to. Do something fun to take your mind off of everything for a little while. Read a magazine, pick up a good book, watch or go to a good movie. All of those things will help relax you and your mind too. It'll make you feel better and ready to tackle the world. Go out for ice cream! That's a good one for me especially if it is chocolate. There is nothing better to take your mind off of wat ails me than chocolate!
Let me know if any or all of this works! Hope you feel better soon!

Knot Sew 05-15-2007 08:19 AM

I know every now and then you have to get away from it all, yes even quilting. Find other things.....take a pet to the park or yourself, with a lunch, are there museums or places of interest nearby........Go shopping....in stores or thrift stores and buy yourself a "pretty"........buy a cd of old favorite love songs and dance with the broom......Take a friend for coffee.......On and on , now I am going in the woods with the dog for a walk.......hop[e you feel better soon :D

isnthatodd 05-15-2007 09:44 AM

I have found that it helps to write down a list of everything that is wrong at the moment (and I mean everything!). Then, make a little ceremony of burning it or shredding it, followed by a large glass of your favorite beverage (mine is icy Dr. Pepper) and a huge pile of chocolate. It doesn't make all the stuff go away, but it's something you can control and manage, and maybe it will help a little. The chocolate can't hurt! :-)

Catherine 05-15-2007 10:24 AM

Thank you...all of you, for all the encouagement and kind words....i feel like I'm in Limbo!!!

ButtercreamCakeArtist 05-15-2007 10:55 AM

Catherine: I hope you are feeling better. I get so aggravated with myself for not getting things done. Then the things I didn't get done bother me. I hate it when my house is messy. Right now it is at its worst! Everything needs cleaned and dusted. I stay home all the time and take care of the kids. Yesterday, I let the baby play (he's two, now) in the spray from the hole in the water hose. Stupid water hose was new and has a hole! BUT>....The kids love it! I guess it is one way to look at the positive side.
While the baby was playing the the spray, I washed my Durango! I usually never get to do things like this. Usually the baby runs off...won't stay near, bothers the cats or something! I got it washed, though. It felt so good to get outside for a while! We came back in and baby took a nap. Then, I started up the grill and made supper.
My house is still a disaster area, and I still feel depressed to be in here in the middle of it, but being out for a while lifted my mood some!

Better go get some more cleaning done before the baby gets back up from the nap!

ButtercreamCakeArtist 05-15-2007 10:59 AM

Also, I've not been bothered by the avatar ghost since everyone else is getting it! WEIRD!

Catherine 05-15-2007 11:31 AM

I'm not feeling better yet..but I know I will..because I have all of you....

vicki reno 05-15-2007 11:36 AM

What a nice thing to say! Thank you. We jsut hope that any or all of the suggestions work. Take care of yourself.

Catherine 05-15-2007 11:45 AM

I'm going to try a new avater, apicture of my grandaughter, perhaps this will lift my spirit and get me back on track!! So, here she is!!! Isabella Rose.

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