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-   -   Are you making children's quilts or toys or garments to sell or donate? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/you-making-childrens-quilts-toys-garments-sell-donate-t15070.html)

Cathe 01-05-2009 04:46 PM

Please research how the CPSIA will affect you. This is a very complicated law, inspired by genuine concern about lead poisoning in Chinese toys, but it has become a real nightmare to all of us who sell baby quilts, garments, toys, etc. It even applies to thrift stores and book stores... As the law currently reads, it probably even applies to blankets, hats and other things donated to hospitals and charitable organizations.

This is my blog post about it, and there are some helpful links on it.


Renee 01-05-2009 05:05 PM

Wow Cathe, this is crazy! What can we do to stop this? How can we get it changed? I work at a daycare center, this will defiantely affect us. May I print your post out and share it with my boss?

MsSage 01-05-2009 05:35 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Gotta love our government in action..............
They will have to do something after they see the affect on small business it will have.

babeegirl 01-05-2009 05:48 PM

They have effectively crippled and paralyzed the American economy. This is beyond insanity.

pocoellie 01-05-2009 06:20 PM

Man, we have to do something to stop this. What can we do? Let us know, start a petition or something, and we sign it.

barnbum 01-05-2009 06:46 PM

Surely when the ones in charge realize the impact of the wording of this decision--they will make corrections. Right? RIGHT??

Sigh--do they not read all the words and discuss these issues before saying "Yea?" :?

mpeters1200 01-05-2009 06:53 PM

No Karla they don't...not until it's too late.

I live in Nebraska, where we have become the butt of jokes from daytime shows to ER to Leno.

They had a safe haven law come to pass about depositing children of any age as long as they were minors and not having to worry about abandonment charges. Some woman from Michigan dropped all of her kids off here. Another was a widower with 9 children and he dropped off 8. It was ridiculous. In the short amount of time the law was enacted, to when an emergency session of the state congress re-worded it, was about 3 months....60 some odd children in that time were dropped off.

mommaB 01-05-2009 07:03 PM

I think this needs some major TV coverage, but I have no idea how to make that come about...possibly send your concerns to some of the national news shows on Fox or CNN or NBC??? But so many people are unaware of it that it might be the only way to get the word out in the short amount of time left. Unless there is an uproar, I doubt most of our lawmakers have a clue what all is actually affected (as long as its not their pocket!!) I know many people that can't afford to dress their kids unless they go to the 2nd hand stores, besides the HUGE waste of resources this will cause. Huh..I could really climb up on my soap box about trade with China(among others), but won't. I hope somebody figures this out quickly.

tlrnhi 01-05-2009 10:56 PM

I was about ready to post this story. On another board, we were discussing this.
So, not only clothing, but what about blankets, sheets, pillows, towels, upholstery, etc, etc? Does this mean that we need to get rid of all of this? How many items in our house could have been made in China/Indonesia and other places that we don't even know about? Does this mean that the government is going to reimburse us for what we have to throw away? I know it sound rediculous, but think about it.
I think "big brother" is just getting too out of hand and TELLING us what we have to do instead of letting us live our lives. But, we are the ones that elect them into office. But we still have to live with their decisions, so what do we do? We write them, call them, show up on their "front doors". I really don't think they thought this entire piece thru. They don't realize how many companies, small businesses are going to go under. Is the government going to bail them out? What about the smaller shops, surely you don't think they are going to be bailed out like the larger corporations. So, now we have tons of people out of work, losing their houses. Who is going to pay for the government to take care of them? WE ARE! They will raise our taxes so they can "help" these people.
Hubby and I had a HUGE discussion about this today on our way paying bills.
I could go on and on, but I'll step down from my soapbox

SulaBug 01-05-2009 11:46 PM

I agree with everyone else on this matter. It's absolutely ridiculous. :thumbdown:

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