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DustysMomma 12-30-2012 06:08 PM

The odd shaped border would be OK if it was wider, just my thoughts. You need something that says HEY! THIS IS THE EDGE! Maybe adding blue centers with a darker blue border that's pulled out of the print that is on the interior or a darker version of the center print? I do better working those kinds of things out when I see the fabrics together usually.

marytoddliz 12-30-2012 08:10 PM

Wow, I did not realize I had been gone so long! Hi everyone! I loved the boobie report! made me remember when I turned twelve and my Mom said I had to start wearing a bra! UGH, super tomboy here, I duct taped them down! Talk about painful! getting that tape off was for the birds! We have 5 girls and 3 boys in our family, I was always the 4th boy! I hated cooking and cleaning and anything at all to do with inside the house, until I started sewing~ I suppose just having healthy ones is the best thing!

And my source says... Boobs, naw I am a butt man! Thank Goodness my butt will pass, not so with the boobs, I think they took a permanent objection to me when I duct taped them!

I am recovering from my annual Migraine week. eating bad food! So now that the Christmas rush is over along with all the bad food, I will try and keep up with all the fun things going on in here!

JuanitaBean 12-30-2012 11:02 PM

Running late on my table topper will get it out this week. Hope everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR

nancia 12-31-2012 01:46 AM

here's the deal... i've finished my boom blocks( today is the final day), and now i will make the table runner . never made one before, but that's not a problem. i'll just think of it as a ginormous mugrug on steroids.

breasts are a topic very close to my heart (ewww, bad pun, sorry!). i gave mine up when i was 35. strong presence of breast cancer in my family. figured you can't get cancer in something you don't have! turned out i was right-- if i'd waited i would have had full blown cancer both breasts within 2 years. hey, they're just sweater bumps. i used them to nurse my boys and after that they were pretty extraneous. i lived in dallas and was so young my team of drs insisted on implants immediately. i had trouble keeping them down to a c cup. naturally, the plastic surgeon wanted to go bigger. anyway, we no longer have any breast in our family. mom had the last one and she died last december. my living sister lost both breasts to cancer, and my other sister died at age 30 of bc. my daughter and niece were both special order babies so they don't share the same warped dna. thank god!! they are happy about it , too! anyway, we have, shall i say, a vested interest in boobs.

Elisabrat 12-31-2012 06:57 AM

You bet we do and being aware is half the answer. It can BE the answer ignoring them however is just the opposite. So jokes aside I can say I am thankful for their health and saggyness and that your doing well and beat that demon before it had a chance to strike.

ok how about butts then? I have an old lady butt. its flat its long and I am skinny but the old tank is still remembering the olden days I think. The deal is I dont recall the day it happened. I know it was young and perky just like the chest but I looked in the mirror and what the heck! sideways .. nada. backwards? oh my GOD. talk about a flat big square.. did the rear end fairies come in the middle of the night, smack me upside the backend with a flattening paddle and tada this is what you get? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? so there it is.. flat rears of America unite!

All joking aside I was 99 percent dead last year organ failures. The fact I am alive today to joke about these things is amazing. I know how fortunate I am to have saggy boobs and a flat old rear. at 51. Its a lucky thing lol yes yes it is.

Glad your working on your tablerunner Nancia. I think you have given up sleep for another week or so? she is pounding away at blocks and other projects. High five!

onto fun things: what would you like to see here as a swap that is not previously been listed in say the last six months if not longer? what would be fun? an apron swap? come on girls and boys have at it.. placemats? think sewing, think fabric think friends who like to share.. curiosity because well when one finishes oneswap there might be time for another!

DustysMomma 12-31-2012 07:20 AM

Nancia, breast cancer is horrible. I lost a cousin at 33 after she was misdiagnosed for over 2 years by 3 different doctors. By the time they decided it was cancer, all the treatment her 3 young daughters watched her go through was futile. My mom's oldest sister, who I recently found out is actually her half-sister (big family secret evidently), is on her 2nd recurrance of breast cancer. The doctor refused to do a mastectomy, and she trusted his judgement. This time he finally took them, just in time for her husband to be diagnosed with lung cancer and refuse treatment. I have 2 friends who started out with breast cancer, but now have other tumors coming up. 1 of them enrolled in college with University of Phoenix when she was diagnosed, which is where we met doing online classes together. They've told her she had 2-6 months to live since I've known her, yet in that time she's completed her associates and bachelors degrees and is now working on her masters, which she'll finish in less than a year. It's what keeps her going. When the doctors told her there was no other treatments they could do, she said "good, then I can go back to work now" and that's exactly what she's done. The other was told she's in remission, but she's had 7 tumors removed in the last 5 years in different places, and now they say she's got an inoperable but slow growing brain tumor. She's got 3 kids still at home and a 19 year old that's bipolar and in and out of the house, but she goes non-stop and does what she has to. I watch these women in awe of their courage.

I had my 40 year old mammogram done on December 9th. In 2001 I had a lump that was diagnosed as fibercystic breast disease, which I've managed pretty well. Well I got a letter before we left for Denmark that they were waiting for the films of my previous mammogram from the hospital where I used to live, and when I got back Saturday I had a letter that I need additional tests. I'm appalled at the nonchalant way that this hospital handles this though, as the letter says "we'll be calling you to schedule these tests, but if you don't hear from us in 10 days, you should call us." Why would I intentionally wait 10 days if you're possibly going to tell me I have cancer? They should have called me instead of snail mailing me a letter! If I hadn't already been diagnosed with fibercystic breast disease, I'd have been thoroughly freaked out the last 2 days.

OK, mug rugs, back on subject. Nancia, I love your comparison of them as ginormous mug rugs on steroids, lol. I was thinking, with the hotpad discussion, that I will share the photos of the Tehætte (tea pot cozy) that I made my boyfriend's mom for Christmas. She was so tickled with it. Every time she took it off or put it on the 3 days we were at her house, she made a big production of it and smiled at me. She's so funny, lol.


Quercus Rubra 12-31-2012 09:20 AM

I have been working on my poor little runner as fast as my little needle can fly. But I do have to say @ 11:30 pm EST last night I put the last hand appliqued stitch in the last snowflake block. YEAH!!! Now this week I'm not using the sewing machine becuz my boy here for his winter break. But come next week the machine & supplies comes out again, and I'm sure I can have it done in time for the mailing deadline.

Well I'm off & running Y'all

LoupEsprit 12-31-2012 04:18 PM

2 Attachment(s)
WOW, I missed a LOT. And apparently y'all got a little crazy... hehe...

ANYWAY... I mailed my runner today; FINALLY! Yay!!

Here's a few teaser pics. :)


DustysMomma 12-31-2012 04:41 PM

Hmm, from those colors, that could be mine...hehehe!

nancia 12-31-2012 10:34 PM

Brat, you are so much fun to have around! You make me smile! I remember as a grade schooler, less than fourth grade, following behind my sister and mom, and noting they had totally flat butts, and i was glad i took after my Dax's side of the family, with the round bottoms! God knows when you are laughing at someone else and adjusts life accordingly! Lol, the joke is on me! My tush has melted into my thighs and there is no amount of shape wear that will lift those golden globes back up! I have one of the flattest backsides in America, and r.e.a.l.l.y l.o.n.g thighs! Of course, my dear sister's is still flat but she didn't have it to lose it, so she doesn't pine for a rounded rear. I no longer make light of someone else's body parts. I will keep the ones i have the way they are, thank you, g! Lol

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