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RkayD 10-30-2011 10:26 AM

I haven't personally tried it yet..but if it works Great!


QuiltnNan 10-30-2011 10:30 AM

thanks for the link

Lacelady 10-30-2011 10:42 AM

How useful to know, thank you. Now I need to go find some alum.

Hen3rietta 10-30-2011 11:35 AM

Thanks for the link. I'm looking forward to the feedback on how well it works.

fabric_fancy 10-30-2011 11:38 AM

the colors look pretty good, thanks for the link

jaciqltznok 10-30-2011 12:09 PM

interesting..but the lady has to remove the label on her jar that says "bubble jet"...that could get her into hot water..
same with this title...needs to lose the word bubble jet and change it to something like printed fabric solution or something like that. Bubble jet is a trademarked name!

KarenK 10-30-2011 12:44 PM

Thanks for the link. I'll try this on an upcoming project.

lwbuchholz 10-30-2011 02:01 PM

I tried this and the mixture left powder on the fabric and when I printed on it the ink didn't stick to the powder and it all washed out anyway so if you used it you couldn't wash it. I found out a better way from a person on this board. If you fix your fabric to the freezer paper and print on it then after it is dry, I let it dry 24 hours, then take a diluted mixture of water soluble permanent fabric glue and dab it on the picture. I used decoupage glue. Let it dry again at least 24 hours. Then either set it if the directions on the glue says to or just use it as you wish. I do recommend testing with the different glues to make sure they work like you want it to. Also experiment on the amount of water to glue you need to make it permanent.
I think if you do a search on this board for printing on fabric her directions should show up. I can't remember her name or I would post it here. Sorry.

lwbuchholz 10-30-2011 02:13 PM

OK I couldn't find her post..not enough time to go through all posts. Here is her post to me. Her sign in name is gammieju. She has been wonderful!!

I have been practicing making memory quilts and have experimented with all products and all methods and have come up with a foolproof method that makes the photos permanent. I use any kind of pretreated fabric for photo printing. After the photo is printed onto the fabric, dry it completely, then mix fabric glue with water to the consistency of heavy to medium heavy whipping cream, take a sponge brush and dab the weakened glue covering every inch. You do not want to make strokes because it will make the colors run. This will never wash out. The glue sets the ink and literally can not ever be washed. You do not want the glue to be too thick or heavy because the fabric will be too stiff. Practice on an old cloth until you find exactly the best consistency. I have used many different kinds of fabric glue and they all work.

I need to make a correction. When I wrote it can never be washed, I meant to say the photo can never be washed out.
After the photos have been treated with the weakened glue it can be washed as many times as needed and the photos will never fade. The glue actually makes the photos more vibrate. The fabric photos after the glue treatment will feel about like taffata fabric and can easily be quilted. When I first started making photo quilts I was disappointed when the photos began to fade after each washing no matter which brand of treated fabric I bought. I had made a baby quilt with the babys' photo in the center but as it was washed the photo began to fade. A baby quilt has to be washed very often so I began experimenting. I am making my gdil a wedding memory quilt and will post a picture of it as soon as I finish.

I posted a message a few weeks ago about how I have learned to copy photos for a quilt and how to make them permanent with the fabric glue and had intended to wait until I had completed this anniversary quilt for gs and gdil but haven't had much time to work on it so am posting pic of wip I use spiritual expressions for editing my pictures however it is no longer availabe but am told printmaster platium 18.1 works similar. They have the option to crop to shape which I love. The quilt really is square but because of how I hung and laid it, it looks so crooked. I don't know how clear these will look as I have never posted pictures here before, but I can tell you that they are very vivid and clear. I have made many memory quilts using the fabric glue and they can be washed forever and the color will not fade. I do not use patterns just think of how I want to design the quilt. Sometimes I use small photos, but on this quilt I took the photos into the editing software and added borders, cropped pic and on the baby pictures, I made a heart in the program then added the baby pictures in the top of the heart then put stars around gs baby pic and hearts around gdil. I love editing pic, and these are 8x 9 pic or there about. If anyone would like to know more about my method or would like to see more pictures I would be very happy to explain how I do them. I hope to get it finished in the next month. I only have shortarm quilting machine on gracie frame. Hope someday to get bigger one but am 68 years old. So will see. Judy

Have been away from computer yesterday and today. In answer to some of the questions, No it does not make it rubbery, it has the texture of taffeta. When I started experimenting with the glue, I tried making the solutions at different strengths. If you get the solution too strong it makes the fabric like rainresistant fabric. I use a weak solution, probably about 1 teaspoon to 2 cups of water (I have not measured so this may not be totally accurate, this is where experimenting comes in.) When I was testing it I put one printed photo in the washer 8 times and dried it in the dryer the same many times, I have even put bleach on them.. I have a juki tl98e with little gracie frame and had no problem quilting the fabric at all. I take my photos into spiritual expression by broderbun where I add some things from the clip art and add borders,touchup the colors and whatever I think the photo needs to make it more interesting without taking over the subject that I am showing. After I get the photo like I want it I print on washable inkjet fabric sheets (have used june taylor, and printed treasures. Once I print them, I let them dry but I do not rinse or wash them but I do heat set with as hot iron as the fabric will stand, when cold I dab the glue solution on the printed photos. Do not brush it on simply dab with very wet sponge brush until all of it is very wet. Let it completely dry, then iron with as hot iron as the fabric will allow. I am not sure this step is necessary but I do it anyway. Then I hand wash a couple of times and rinse. After it dries I iron them, sometimes they look a little wrinkled but the wrinkles iron out. I have a brother 8500 which I use to sew my quilt patches together. The main things is it has to be washable printable fabric. When I used these fabric sheets without the glue process they gradually faded out but with it you can even bleach and the colors will not fade. Sometimes the color will run slightly when the glue solution is applied but not much. I use any permanent fabric glue. I particulary like Allene OK to Wash It. If you decide to do this, I suggest you print off a couple of photo sheets to see how your printer and your computer works and experiment with the sheets getting just the right solution mixture that you like and find how you need to edit the colors from the original photos. If you contact me and if you live somewhere in Louisiana I will be happy to show you the ones I have done and help you to do some for yourself. This is probably what I live for. I have a 16 yo gs who is quite a good artist and my next project is to do him a quilt using his own artwork, then I am making my d and sil an anniversary quilt. If you have any more questions just contact me. Sorry so long. gammie

Several months ago I showed some photos of a memory quilt I was making for GS and GDIL using their photos and also I gave information on how to make these photos permanent, well I finally finished the top. Haven't quilted it yet, but here are the photos of finished top.The strips are straight but the way I hung it to take the photos of the quilt makes them look crooked. These photos will not WASH OUT EVER. It has taken me a long time to get this far with the quilt because my husband had to have a total hip replacement and had some complications following the surgery. Then school got out and I keep 2 grandchildren (7 & 9). It has been a tough few months am hoping things slow down and I can get the quilt quilted. If I were to redesign this top I would not have made th W under the photos like I did. The S in the L top corner is GDIL first initial and the C in R top corner is GS first initial and the W under the photos is First last name initial. AS a matter of fact there are several things I would change, but I love how the photos turned out.

any kind of permanent fabric glue will do. I usually use Aleene's OK To Wash It. I have used other brands but right now I can't remember the brands, I think any kind of fabric glue will work if it is permanent. I have never measured the water/glue ratio but you want it to look like Half and Half cream. If it is too thick the fabric will be too stiff so do a sample first. It should when dry feel a little like taffeta. Just guessing but I think I mix about 1 oz of glue to 1 1/2 to 2 cups of water. Always use the printable washable fabric sheets. I started using Crafters Photo Fabric from Hobby Lobby but they do not carry it any more so I started using June Tailor colorfast fabric sheets. I follow their directions for printing, then I allow it to dry for no less than 1 hour, then heat set with hot iron. I do not rinse it as the directions say but I place the fabric photo face side up on top of parchment paper and dab the diluted glue on with a sponge brush, Do not brush the diluted glue on as this can cause the color to smudge. Allow it to completely dry, turn face down and repeat the process allow to completely dry then wash in any detergent (there should not be any color bleeding in the wash water if there is the glue is diluted too much), rinse using fabric softener and if wrinkled press with iron. The only time I have had wrinkles was when the glue was not diluted enough, but I still used it in my quilt and it worked out fine. If you do not have parchment paper use foil. I tried wax paper but the glued fabric stuck to the wax paper and I could not get all the wax paper off the fabric. I still was able to use it in the quilt as they were very tiny pieces of paper. If you have any more questions email me at [email protected]. Judy

Probably more like 1 oz to 1and1/2 to 2 cups water. This will do ar least 5 (five) 8inch blocks. But since I have never measured, I am guessing. Just start with 1 oz to 2 cups of water, then do your trial block. Wash it vigorously, even add a little bleach just to test the colorfastness, nothing should wash the color, and also this will test the stiffness. You do not want it to be stiff and with just the right amount of glue and it will be both colorfast and supple. Judy

Matilda 10-30-2011 02:56 PM

That is good to know!! Thanks.

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