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Gramie bj 09-05-2014 09:27 AM

Enough is Enough!
I have been a quilter for many years, my, 2 Grandmothers, 3 Great grandmothers, and at least 1 Great, Great, Grandmother were all quilters. For some unknown reason I have not only inherited most of there quilts, that still survive, but everything else they used if it was not worn out. Some of it I would not part with for any thing, some of it is just taking up space, but no one wants it so here it sits, Every one in my family seems to think all I want is more sewing stuff, special rulers I will never use or want, fancy pins ( with numbers or letters on the heads), special basting gun, odd little scissors, extra feet for machines that do not fit any of my machines, I am sure you get the idea, over the years I have these and a lot of other STUFF most is still in its store packaging, never been opened. Well ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This winter my goal is to pack up everything quilty that I do not want or do not use. I have so much it might be easier to pack up what I do want and use. LOL Have already told family NO MORE SEWING SUPPLY'S for birthday or Christmas, a nice card or letter would be more appreciated Does any one else have this problem? I love my hobby, but I have run out of room, well two rooms really. I can't find any thing! Something has to go! Some days I feel like a lion tamer and need to approach the sewing area with a whip and chair. LOL

luvstoquilt301 09-05-2014 09:45 AM

If I get anything quilty for a gift it is a gift card to a local sewing place.

My sewing room is 8 x 8. I must be very selective in what I keep. I also moved across country 1 1/2 years ago. That being said----I found great joy in gifting my excess to a couple of brand new quilters on tight budgets. Also my MD guild had a once a year event where we could set up tables with our own stuff to sell. The guild took a percentage--I forget exactly how much.

I hate clutter and keeping things I never use. Sewing machine feet for a machine I know longer have would be out the door in a New York minute.

There is one thing I gave away that I was later sorry about. Easily cured by rebuying it. It was the Tri Recs rulers and did not break the bank. No regrets with anything else. I decided not to sell stuff on Ebay or other platforms while trying to move across country. That was a good decision as the move was commotion enough.

I think once you get started you will do very well. You do not want your family to have a mess on their hands when you enter the great quilting studio in the sky.

tessagin 09-05-2014 09:46 AM

If you belong to a guild give them a call. If not see if there is one nearby. Your LQS will/should have information in that regards. If not then have a quilter's estate sale. I would put packages of needles in one box with maybe section, machine, handsewing. Another with thread, patterns, buttons in another etc. ric rac and ribbon and etc. Whatever is leftover call Goodwill or Salvation Army. Maybe a church's women's auxiliary.

Jeanne S 09-05-2014 10:27 AM

Sell the stuff you don't use on ebay, and use the money for fabric or something you do want. Sewing supplies sell well on ebay.

meyert 09-05-2014 10:37 AM

I would try to sell what you don't want.. then you might be able to buy something you do want. As much as I can understand the "stuff" piling up, its nice that you have people in your life who want to give a gift. not everyone has that. I have not gotten sewing items as gifts, if I get a "sewy" gift its usually a gift card to Joanne's.. which disappears quickly :)

Billi 09-05-2014 11:05 AM

Wow sounds like its time to declutter for your own sanity.

Go through it all if you love it want and have room for it keep it, if not its time for it to have a new home by selling it, giving it, or pitching it.

Its your stuff you get to choose the way that suits you to get rid of it. Don't keep anything out of guilt "it was a gift from a child, sibling loved one" it has served its purpose now it's time is up. Once you get started it gets easier with each item that goes into the pile.

I know when I did this the first time I felt so much better about my self and my things then later when it was time to do it again and it was much easier the second time.

The hard part is convincing your family and friends to no longer gift you with every quilt and sewing item that comes along. What worked for me was to tell them I love that they think of me but I feel bad when I can't, won't or don't use thier gifts so please if you want to give me something give me flowers or a plant, lets spend time together like sharing a meal, or going to the movies, a play or concert. Cook me dinner or take me to a ball game, the park or a museum. That many options gave them lots of choices and I am no longer the recipient of all the stuff i maynot use or stuff someone else didn't want either.

Good luck

annievee 09-05-2014 11:29 AM

Our local Food Bank/ Thrift shop ask for buttons, beads, etc--think they will be making Christmas gifts for kids to buy during the Christmas program. Well, dropped off lots of stuff yesterday ( things from DD who is over 40 now, things from another daughter who is 35 ) --just trying to get rid of leftovers. They were pleasantly surprised . Daughters did not want any these things--me, glad to be rid of it. I have an empty drawer now. I agree, no more sewing supplies ! Maybe do more purging soon. Oh, yes, I am guilty of buying those bags with sewing supplies in them-lol ! And I love to buy Scraps if they are big enough ! !

Dolphyngyrl 09-05-2014 12:02 PM

No but I have aquired a lot over 10 years. I usually get gift cards

ManiacQuilter2 09-05-2014 12:07 PM

We have received donation to our senior sewing group that meets at the local senior center so that might be a place to try. Check with local churches because at least mine does have an active group of sewers and knitters and we are always making items for charity. Just finished making Bible bags and now I am starting to make quilts for hospitalized children.

bearisgray 09-05-2014 12:25 PM

I do have enough - of everything quilty - but it's hard for me to stop buying - especially at yard/garage sales.

(I do know the solution is to NOT go stopping/shopping at them - - - - but it's one of my main forms of entertainment!)

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