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bearisgray 07-16-2015 10:13 AM

What bothers you when making a quilt?
I am sort of entertained by what drives some of us crazy - and what others could care less about - - in the quilts that we make -

Some of the things that bother me enough to redo - or fix as well as I can - if caught before the quilt is bound!

Twisted seams -
Pleats -
An intersection that is way off -

Anything that you "have to fix" or it will drive you crazy?

Onebyone 07-16-2015 10:50 AM

When sewing blocks together I will start over if points are cut off and seams do not match. When the quilt top is done I will take borders off completely if they are wavy and start over. My binding has to be rounded, full of batting, not flat. After messing up so many time with these I can pretty much make them right the first time now.

ManiacQuilter2 07-16-2015 11:10 AM

I use to be in competition so things that would bother me don't any longer. I just try to do my best with the charity quilts I mostly make.

Doreen T 07-16-2015 11:44 AM

Oh how I wish I was more like Onebyone. I like buying fabric and start cutting/sewing. I do not like doing repeat patterns, I do my best to match all seams and keep points points but if later on I see were something did not gel perfect I just think this is not for competition it's my fun and always made with love for family and friends.

gillyo 07-16-2015 01:27 PM

I used to compete as well and found it hindered me creatively. All of that worrying about stuff that didn't really matter kept me from doing what I really wanted to do, which is have fun!

I think every serious quilter should enter competitions because it is a fabulous learning experience. You learn a lot about yourself, your abilities and talents, and your limitations. After a while I think a lot of us just got tired of trying to make everybody else happy and settled for pleasing ourselves.

tellabella 07-16-2015 01:30 PM

I hate to take out the roll of batting...unroll, measure and cut....don't know why but it bothers me sometimes

Onebyone 07-16-2015 01:30 PM

Thank you for the compliment but I'm not that picky really. I'm not past fusing a triangle over a cut off point to make it pointed if I didn't see it in the block. I will add a 1/2" piece of fabric all around a quilt block to make it bigger if it is smaller then the rest. Anything that works is fine with me.

The last two local quilt shows I entered I won Viewer's Choice each time. That means more to me then any 1st place by a judge.

Latrinka 07-16-2015 02:02 PM

Twisted seams gets me too, I usually check the back as soon as I finish a seam, and I'll go back and pick out and re-do if one is twisted. I think the other thing is when I've been sewing a long seam and realize the bobbin has run out, especially if it's something I had pinned, you would think I'd have seen it when removing the pin, but not always! LOL!

Daylesewblessed 07-16-2015 03:15 PM

It bothers me to not have enough time to do all of the projects I want to do.

Dolphyngyrl 07-16-2015 04:45 PM

bobbin running out when chain piecing and not realizing it for quite s stretch

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