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-   -   House plants, do you have any? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/house-plants-do-you-have-any-t281820.html)

Tothill 08-31-2016 08:28 AM

House plants, do you have any?
I realized this summer that most my friends do not have house plants. A friend commented on the house plants I have and then I clued in that she does not have any.

Do you have house plants? What type? Do you have seasonal house plants? Do you try to re-bloom house plants (if they are blooming ones)?

I have a variety; an African Violet on my kitchen windowsill that blooms for 3 months of the year. A spider plant that is actively putting out new plants and flowers. A jade plant that I started from one leaf that is now almost a foot tall. Three different orchids, one in full bloom, one re-blooming and one that decided to start another plant in the same pot.

I have two vining plants, one twines around things, the other just grows long leafy vines that I have to pin up. The second one is 19 years old, in the original pot with the original soil. I am amazed that it has survived so long.

I have three Amaryllis on the deck, they will come in before the first frost and should bloom in the winter.

Lastly I have a Calamondin Orange plant that is over 3 feet tall. It had dozens of little oranges in the spring and has bloomed repeatedly during the summer. It spends the summer on the deck, but will come inside soon.

Annaquilts 08-31-2016 08:45 AM

I have some at all times, Orchids, Lucky bamboo, and all other types of tropical foliage.

QuiltingVagabond 08-31-2016 08:47 AM

Normally I have one - an ancient Christmas cactus grown from a cutting off my late MILs plant.
But currently our son and his wife have been living with us while house hunting, so there are at least 30 assorted plants in my house and on my back deck. She has a real green thumb!

jbj137 08-31-2016 08:49 AM

*** Yes, I have house plants. Aloe, 2 Pathos (phylodendron) , 2 Christmas cactus, don't know what the other is.

osewme 08-31-2016 08:56 AM

I don't have any house plants. I've tried & tried over the years but they all seem to die. Maybe it's because I don't water on a consistent basis. :( I would love to have a pretty Christmas cactus because those are one of my favorites but haven't tried one yet. Last year I told myself that if Walmart had any for sell I was going to buy one & try it. Well, Walmart did not sell them last year! I took it as a sign that it was not my year to try. :)

AnnieF 08-31-2016 08:57 AM

I am one of those people that just shouldn't have plants. I don't really have a green thumb and even the most durable plants (I love spider plants) can't go without water for long. I finally threw out the last of my houseplants when I realized I was just kidding myself if I thought I should have plants in the house.....I even banned Christmas poinsettia plants.....after the holidays were done I could hear them screaming for water and attention before they died.

Pat M. 08-31-2016 09:39 AM

I have Spider plants, Mother-in-Law tongue, 4 mystery vines, and Christmas cactus all in my parrot room. Suppose to help keep the air clean for the parrot. What a spolt feather head.

dunster 08-31-2016 09:54 AM

I have lots of house plants and am always looking for more. I once thought I had a black thumb, but discovered it was because I was watering with softened water. Once I quit doing that, the plants started surviving.

cashs_mom 08-31-2016 10:01 AM

I had house plants until my allergies got bad. Even though my allergies are much better now, I never replaced my house plants. I have one artificial fern in a ceramic pot that belonged to my grandmother. That's the closest I get to a house plant these days.

crafty pat 08-31-2016 10:21 AM

I have jade plants, orchids, African violets, and now have started cuttings from angel wing begonias so if I loose any this winter I will have backup's. and some ivy's.

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