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Raggiemom 06-26-2020 04:10 AM

Virtual Quilting Weekend--June 26-28, 2020
Good morning! I hope you're ready to quilt with me this weekend. I've been working on Christmas presents and will continue that over the weekend with a little hand work also. It feels like the hanging sleeves are never ending.

So what are your plans for the weekend?

Next VQW is July 24-26.

Snooze2978 06-26-2020 04:15 AM

Been slowly working on Missouri Quilt's mock cathedral window blocks.......90 in total. Over 600 triangles to be attached as I attach the blocks into rows and then rows together. Haven't even got started adding the center blocks yet but will do that when I get 2 rows of 9 blocks together. Hopefully it will be easier this way but won't know till I try. Will be adding a small sash and then larger border to make it to queen size. Already know how I'll quiilt it as I made a small one to cover my hall bench a couple years ago. Just knew I wouldn't have time or the energy to make one the regular way................not if they wanted to get it in this century that is.

rryder 06-26-2020 04:35 AM

Still working on that thread painted butterfly from the last two (or has it been 3?) vqw. Yesterday I made the executive decision that the thread painting was done and I trimmed the white border away from it. Today I am going iron it as flat as possible And then add batting for trapunto and maybe even get it sandwiched! I am also working on getting my Craftsy classes downloaded, hit a slight roadblock with the program I’m using and had to force quit it when I couldn’t get it to respond after it started downloading. So I will also be trying to get it up and running again so I can download another batch. Oh, and also installing the external hard drive I bought to hold all the Craftsy courses...

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is working on.


rryder 06-26-2020 04:36 AM

P.S. I forgot to add: thanks Raggiemom for hosting. I always look forward to Vqw!


QuiltingVagabond 06-26-2020 04:43 AM

Yay! I am assembling my Farmer's Wife blocks into a top this weekend. The layout is on point with setting triangles on opposite sides and the columns are then joined in what I think is called Seminole piecing. I don't have a design wall so I will have to use the bed to figure out my placement. I already have the triangles sewn to the blocks and the top and bottom blocks of each column prepped.

Doggramma 06-26-2020 04:57 AM

I’m working on a patriotic wallhanging. I hope to finish it by the 4th of July!

petthefabric 06-26-2020 05:36 AM

Thanks RaggieMom. Always enjoy these weekends. I'm working on Turning Twenty, Again.

retiredteacher09 06-26-2020 05:53 AM

Thanks, Heather, for hosting the VQW.

I hope to finish my 6” block scrappy quilt top. I used 6” plain blocks cut by my church group that have been taking up space for 6 or more years. Lol! The group will sandwich, tie, and donate it when we get to meet again.

Rob: I can’t figure out how to download the Bluprint classes. I do know I can download the PDFs and should plan on doing some every day.

Iceblossom 06-26-2020 06:49 AM

Hello virtual quilters! I am in one of the round robin groups and today will start putting together my blocks for the current round. Round robins are a fun design challenge, working with other people and pushing yourself out of "what I usually do".

I think I know what I want, but I'm going to need to see it laid out first. I spent a lot of time yesterday pre-planning with my sketchbook in hand but in case it doesn't work so well I have back up plans and concepts. That is my goal for the weekend.

I'm still having a hard time getting started on my own list of projects planned for 2020, at this point I think I'm just going to scoot them all over to next year.

So if everything goes smoothly and easily with the round robin, I may have time to start working on a Bonnie Hunter Frolic UFO for another board member. She was significantly complete with all the tiny little pieces but the putting together (especially in the mystery format) started to wear... When I told my Tuesday group I was going to do the Mystery this year, one of the ladies said (because it's true) "but you don't like messing with tiny little triangles". Still don't but I can get through them. I am thinking of doing the mystery again this year, but with much safer fabric selections and following Bonnie's direction for to-the-side seaming, she clarifies many of the issues I have and sets me off to spinning things in the correct direction.

It's so funny how we are about our UFOs. We get to the point where we just can't stand them any more, and someone else thinks, hmmm.... that might be fun! I know when I find a project gone wrong at the thrift store, because I didn't spend my time making the mistakes, I don't mind so much taking time to finish them and I will do more than I would have to fix my own mistakes.

thimblebug6000 06-26-2020 07:07 AM

I am participating in the Lori Kennedy 25 weeks of doodling/learning to machine quilt tutorials....so for sure will be working on that. Also still working away at quilting a top I pieced a few years back. Will add some pictures later. Enjoy hearing about everyone's projects, thanks for having this special post each month.

Oh good, I see Sew Incredibly Crazy blog posted our July BOM today....so will print that out and maybe get started on that as well.

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