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BarbC 12-31-2006 05:51 PM

Suzanne asked me to start a new thread about men quilting since my hubby has started quilting. He made a quilt this fall and is in the process of working on one right now. He is thinking of sending this one to Project Linus.

Here are the questions Suzanne asked.. with my answers and comments..

Has he always sewed? How did you get him interested or did he interest you?

This is the first time he has sewn.. but he has been involved in sewing for a long time. His older sister was a home-ec major and sewed all through highschool and beyond. She put him to work helping her with projects.. usually holding something for her or helping her cut fabric.

After we got married, he encouraged me when I decided to do some sewing and he helped me... same with quilting. He is an architect and very creative and precise. We made a bedspread years ago for our son out of plaid fabric and D cut and pinned it and then I sewed it. When I started quilting, he helped cut fabric and ironed it for me and would brain storm with me when I couldn't decide what to do. I suggested he try to make a quilt and he said no.. he didn't want to fool with the machine.

Does he machine piece or piece by hand?

He does it all on the machine... not sure he would tackle handwork.

Do each of you have youra own machines?

I have 2 machines... he is using my old Kenmore.

Does he have his own stash of fabrics?

We share.. sort of.. he did purchase some specific fabrics for his first quilt and then used things from my stash. For the most part he only used scraps. The quilt he is making now is all from scraps. He wouldn't use anything without asking first.. in case I have it planned for something else.

I would love it if my husband were more interested that just praising my work.

There is good and bad in it for me... more good than bad. DH is very talented and his first quilt was.. to me.. amazing for a first. Much better than my first one! So he will quickly pass me in expertease. One thing that bothers me at times.. when he decided to make his first quilt, he pretty much sat down and did it. I mean he went to work and all, but he used all his free time to work on that quilt. I can't do that. I have too many other things to do. So I was a bit envious of that.

Someone mentioned they didn't think they would like it if their hubby quilted... I have had mixed feelings at times about it BUT he thoroughly enjoys it and it is very relaxing for him. He has a very high pressured job, so I am glad for that he has a way to relax and also to express his creativity. We have helped each other a bit with projects and are planning a joint project or two this year... I think that will be fun. We tend to be one of those couples who like to do things together a lot.

Barb C

Becky 01-01-2007 02:52 AM


That is great, You do things together, and even
quilt together, He sounds very focused when he starts a quilt, I'm sure( he) being a male sees things from a different approach, and is a big help on certain areas. As I'm sure you are a big help to him. It's like you can throw ideas to him and he can throw his ideas at you and then you can critque them together. I think it's really great.

Leslee 01-01-2007 04:46 PM

Hmmmm...I keep encouraging my significant other to test-drive the new machine. He's no stranger to the sewing room. He's hung pegboards and corkboards in there for me. And he knows his way around the rulers and rotary cutters, the cutting mats and such. Not sure he'll cross the line and do some stitching anytime soon. Too bad. I think he's got really creative ideas! :wink:

Norah 01-01-2007 06:30 PM

Leslee, same here. My husband is a great cook because he doesn't know what the rules are. I think he would make great quilts. He is a great helper when I can keep my mouth shut. I try to tell him he can't do it that way, and not only does he prove me wrong, it always turns out better than it would have. Both of my sons quilt a little, and are very uninhibited.

Minda 01-04-2007 08:00 AM

My husband is always interested in looking at my quilt projects, but I haven't been able to get him to try quilting.

Suz 01-05-2007 02:29 PM

I have been a bit distracted recently and just found your thread today. Thank you for telling us about your quilting partner. My husband is not very creative, just a great cheerleader and is good at so many other things. Our one son sews but not much as much as he used to. He appreciates quilts so maybe someday. . .
My favorite designer is a very talanted fellow, Robert Callaham.

Mary Stire 01-05-2007 10:28 PM

My husband knows what a fat quarter is. He can also identify a rotery cutter and a cutting matt and aspool of thread, He carries my machine to and from the car,but getting him interested in quilting???

Mary in Louisiana

Norah 01-06-2007 07:39 AM

I know we have some men on this forum. Let's hear from you!! How did you get interested in quilting and do you have pics? :D

Minda 01-06-2007 04:04 PM

Come on, men. Speak up please. We'd love to hear more from you.


cjtinkle 01-07-2007 04:41 AM

My husband loves quilting, and is responsible for converting me from thinking sewing machines were evil, torture inducing machines into a quilting fanatic! :mrgreen:

Sadly, he hasn't had time in the last few years to quilt, but I'm forever grateful to him for getting me hooked... and supplying me with tools. LOL

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