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melhuff 05-17-2012 07:12 AM

Weight Watchers??
I hate to beat a dead horse, if this has been discussed alot before, but ... :)
I've started my first attempt with the Weight Watchers Program. I was wondering if anyone on here is on the same journey...and if they would care to share some hints, pointers, recipes...??

Grama Lehr 05-17-2012 07:56 AM

My daughter just started too, I need to start, but I can't get motivated................
Are you going to meeting, following on line? Or just doing it yourself?
The Weight Watcher's cook book is great! They sell it at Costco and Amazon.
Good Luck!! I hope the very best for your loss! LOL that didn't come out right!

delma_paulk 05-17-2012 02:50 PM

I've been on WW for several years.....some times I do really good and sometimes I do really bad! I go on the weightwatcher's.com site and meet up with friends on the message boards. Our board is Food Finds and Gadgets Reviews. So much help and support with caring people who will help you as much as they can.

A few of us have been on here for 5+ years and have become friends without meeting except on the message board. Come on over and visit us. There is also a General Daily Thread or Daily General Thread that has a lot of info but some of them can be cranky and irritable at times. You don't have to be an online member to access the message boards.

Come on over and visit, Concorde3

LynnVT 05-17-2012 02:57 PM

About 8 years ago I joined a local WW group and lost 40 pounds over 8 years. It was a tough journey, but following the plan religiously, walking a lot, it was a steady loss. Since then I have started creeping up again, 20+ pounds from the goal I had reached and kept for years. Went back to another WW group for a year but just didn't have the same committment. You can do it if you are honest with yourself and stick to the plan. I think the meetings really helped me at the time. It's actually harder to keep it off than it was to lose it in the first place. Always a struggle. Good luck on your journey!

QuiltE 05-17-2012 07:26 PM

WW works if you work the program!
There's no magic pill!!!

As suggested already, there are discussion boards on the WW sites for every country. There are several different boards, so you can choose which one suits your needs the best. The General Daily Thread is exactly that ... and too often, posters think it's all about weight loss ....... which that Board, is less about weight loss and more about a lot of other things.

Just like the QB, you can get a lot of support and learn a lot, from the WW Boards and the posters there. Many start out as virtual friends, and end up IRL friends too!

sewred 05-18-2012 04:16 AM

I did weight watchers and have all the materials and have started over a couple of times and am trying to get motivated to start over once and for all! I get over whelmed cause of doing it alone and also because I look at all the big number of pounds I need to lose instead of thinking in little spurts. First 20 then another 20 then so on.

Quiltlove 05-18-2012 05:23 AM

I am a life time member of WW. I get to goal weight than stop going, get to goal weight and stop going, etc. Now I have asked myself honestly what is wrong with weight watchers that I can't seem to stay committed. Here is my answer..
1....I hear the same things each and every meeting
2....It is very hard on the purse each week
3....I hate to count points and keep records of what I eat/how much I exercise/how I feel at any given part of the day
4....They do not suggest what to eat only how much and provide recipes for purchase

That being said..... I have started the "17 Day Diet Program" I really like this program because there is no record keeping, no group meetings where you hear the same thing over and over, no extra costs and they tell you exactly what to eat. I eat from my list, I use their recipes (which are very tasty by the way) and I am losing weight. Nothing to calculate or remember. There is something to remember....You can't eat fruit past 2pm and you must drink 8 8 ounce glasses of water.

Try it you will like it. Oh, and I am not affiliated with this company in any way.

deplaylady 05-18-2012 05:35 AM

I lost 75 lbs 7 years ago by going to WW meetings. It does works. I hate the meetings and paying the weekly money, standing in line and listening to the same old ideas. I gained some back, so I'm back at WW again again - this time on line. So much easier to track what I'm eating (that's the real secret for me, to write down everything you eat) and since Dec I've lost 25 lbs.

lovelyl 05-18-2012 06:18 AM

I just started WW online. Having a tough time - one week I lose, next week I gain. I have not joined any of the message boards on WW - I think if I do that it would help encourage me.

dottie 05-18-2012 06:44 AM

Went to WW last year and lost 18 lbs..just started the diet at home yesterday...one thing that helps me is to keep a good supply of fruits and veggies and make some veggie soup with chicken broth and whatever spices you like.
Be positive and take it one day at a time and say I CAN DO IT.
Weight only once a week because your weight will vary from day to day.
Good luck

wendiq 05-18-2012 07:05 AM

I'm a "lifer" too....:) I have learned to eat differently. I now eat to maintain after losing 25 lbs way back in 1980. If I see myself gaining a bit too much, I jump back on to my lower point known foods. I do find that journalling is most helpful. If I don't journal, I gain......it's so easy to eat and to eat too much. Portion control is my mantra and for me, it works. Sometimes I rejoin online and within a short time, usually six months, I'm back to being able to maintain just fine. Good luck with your journey. While the meetings are kind of boring, you do get a lot of great tips.....especially if you are new to the program. You might want to go to meetings for a while and then graduate to online and then try it on your own. However, I would stay with the program for a year at least. And, as a non-paying member, you still can have access to a whole lot of great WWer sites and social encouragement.

JanieW 05-18-2012 07:18 AM

I joined Weight Watchers in 1975 when the old program didn't involve counting points. It was really simple and quite limiting but it really worked for me. I lost 49 pounds inn 8 months and have been able to maintain that... give or take 5 pounds.

I am 61 and I run for 25 minutes 5 times a week. I follow the 90-10 rule of eating. 90% of the time I eat wisely and healthily and 10% I eat a junky treat.

The one thing that has stuck in my mind and helped me was something that was said on my very first WW meeting. After we had been weighed and given the suggestion of how much weight we should try to lose, the instructor told us to imagine that weight as a pile of pounds of butter sitting on our kitchen table. Put all that butter in a bag and strap it to your body. That is what we are carrying around with us all day. That visual has been a motivator for me all these years.

Trying to lose weight is really hard work.

quiltmom04 05-18-2012 07:25 AM

If you eat what you should, and drink the water you're supposed to , and exercise everyday, you'll lose. If don't and you cheat, you won't. Simple as that. I've lost lots of weight on weight watchers over the years, but I always fall off the wagon, because I guess Im really not dedicated enough. But when I follow it to the letter, it works very well.

klgreene 05-18-2012 08:39 AM

I went to WW about 15 yrs. ago. Got to my goal weight and then some. I've kept most of it off since then, but have recently put some back on because I'm in a wheel chair and can't walk like I used to. I hadtried every diet under the sun. I love WW because you still can eat things you crave, like Pizza. I used to eat over a half a large pizza, not I eat two medium slices when I have it. Getting starting is a bit hard and confusing, but once you get the hang of it, you don't need to always weigh and measure. But WW over JC or Nutrosystem teaches you how to eat. The ones that provide the food, you loose weight when you eat their food, but the second you go off, you gain the weight back. And remember you do have plateau's. I was on a plateau for one solid year. I weighed in at the exact same weight. Then after one meeting, something kicked in and I lost the rest of my weight. It's a life style and something you really can live with for life. So good luck to you. I have to kick start and loose these few pounds I've gained. Also remember the weight didn't come on over night, so it won't come off that way either. JMHO

patski 05-18-2012 08:46 AM

I've been doing it for a month, lost 15 pounds so far. The best thing I did was bought a "ninja" food processer (about
$20 at Wal Mart) I make turkey meatballs for dh and me, 8 oz of turkey and ground up egg plant, onion, garllic, make meatballs but squeeze out extra water and fry (non stick pan & pam) I add oregano or whatever I have on hand, these were great, made way too many for 1 meal and was only 4 "points" for each of us. I'll be glad to share other ideas, pm if you like

granny64 05-18-2012 01:54 PM

I went on WW in 2002 and became a life time member. It is one of the easiest and healthiest diets there is. When you make up your mind to lose, it is easy to follow. Good luck and I hope you succeed.

emt2004 05-18-2012 04:19 PM

I joined WW and lost 10lbs. only 5 lbs away from my goal. Then this week we have been on vacation, not good. Like the week from he**. I ate everything and anything, like a devil was sitting on my shoulder telling me, "oh go for it". So I am sure I put on some weight. So now I must knock that little pest off my shoulder and get back to work.........Michele

deb8746 05-18-2012 06:06 PM

I go and do the monthly pass and that way I go to meetings for accountability and track on line week 5 down 7 lbs at least it is down and it helps my bloodsugars. like others I know it will work. At my meeting there is a lady that has lost 190 lbs and I was going back when she had not even lost 100 and I thought if she can do it I can

SewBarbie 05-19-2012 03:24 AM

The meetings are critical for me! We have a fabulous leader who is funny and inspirational. It is an easy plan to follow as I love fruits and veggies! It's a lifestyle not a diet. I now take no medicines!!!

meanmom 05-19-2012 04:17 AM

I have been a WW off and on for years. It is the only diet/lifestyle change that seems to work for me. I like to cook so I have trouble with most other diets. I lost about 20 pounds a couple of years ago and it has stayed off. I go up and down a little but have kept it off. I had about 110 pounds to lose total. I am currently flowing program and am down 40 pounds. I can eat whatever I want. If I know I am not allowed to have something I will crave it. I like WW because nothing is off limits. Just knowing I can eat certain things if I want helps to keep the cravings down. I have to pay for it with points but I can have it. I have pretty much cleaned up my eating and it really works for me.
Good luck on your journey and healthy eating.

wandajean 05-19-2012 10:03 AM

I think WW is great. I joined about 1.5 years ago, lost 22 lbs. in 4 months, and have kept most of it off. It taught me some great basic life-changes regarding food, and I've developed some good routines that keep the weight off. Once you reach your goal, you're a "lifetime member", and as long as you stay within 2 lbs. of your goal, you aren't charged. I think it's a great program, and ... it works.

starshine 05-19-2012 10:15 AM

I just recently started WW again, I joined our WW at work group, which meets during lunch hour. We will see, as I too have a hard time tracking with the points. Way back in 1974 i was on it and they had the set menu i.e. fish (any kind but shell fish) 5 times a week, beef once, limit of 4 eggs a week, a certain amount of veggies and fruits, limit on high carb veggies and fruits. etc. I did very well on it back then, I'd pick something and check it off my weekly list. I also had a leader that was inspiring and motivating and had a different theme each week. I think that made a big impact too.
I'm tired of continuing to lose and regain the same 10 pounds. Part of the reason I decided to try it again is the weekly accountability. And I think that is why the weekly fee too, besides funding the program, we don't want to "waste" money by paying and not following through. But for that to work I think I need to also pay attention to what my motivation is.

QuiltE 05-19-2012 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by starshine (Post 5228039)
I just recently started WW again ............. besides funding the program,........

Keep in mind that you are not "funding" the program ......... WW is a multi-million dollar business and they are making big $$, often at the expense of your meeting room staff!

Yes, the field staff are paid, but minimum wages, and not for all the hours that they put into their role. It's next thing to a quasi-volunteer position ... they need to like and want to do it, the money does not "pay" them for what they do.

matraina 05-19-2012 04:12 PM

I'm a lifetime member; but, for me, it was much easier taking it off than keeping it off. I started back a week ago to get some of my weight off for 2 out-of-town weddings I'm going to. Whenever you get a salad, especially dining out, ask for the dressing on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing and then pick up some of your salad. Tastes good but not overwhelming.

noveltyjunkie 05-19-2012 05:11 PM

The only diet that has worked for me involves looking at the type of food I am eating. Highly processed foods do not satisfy me, and I just eat more and more. I only lose weight if I eat whole foods and avoid processed foods. That's just me, but I avoid WW for that reason. I just don't like the idea that eating WW branded processed food is any better than other processed foods.
When I chose whole foods I just feel better about what I am eating, and I feel satisfied and at peace with what I am putting in my body. Its morning here and I just made some oatmeal with blueberries and a sprinkling of ground linseeds and chopped almonds. No doubt someone would tell me there are too many points in it, but my tummy is happy and I know I won't feel like snacking.

Good luck with your weight loss. It is hard hard work and you need to find what will be effective for you.

milikaa1 05-19-2012 07:43 PM

I lost 75 pounds and have kept it off, count your points and excersize if you are able, don't deny yourself either....my neighbor is doing WW, they were talking about the YONANA at one of her meetings so she bought one and the deserts are tasty and some are zero points!

virginia cartwright 05-19-2012 07:58 PM

Write everything down that you put in your mouth. Just work on 5 pounds at a time and do not get discouraged.
Weight Watchers is wonderful and it is so easy now with the Points Plus system. Read labels and portions and you will do well. Good Luck

melhuff 05-20-2012 06:15 PM

Thanks for all of the great thougths and good advice. Tomorrow starts week #3 for me...I'm down nine pounds..I know its quick to lose at first. It amazes me everytime I weigh on Sundays, I've lost a food point on my daily total..I guess I wont lose if I didnt tho. I really need to kick it in the .... and start walking or doing something. I think of all things, this has shown me how much food I'd put in my mouth without even thinking about it. We are raising my 3 year old grand daughter and I know I'd pick off of her plate every nite I would clean off the table..and actually WHY????? No food value...probably wasnt even tasty..I realized this the first nite was I was going to eat a cold grilled cheese..YUK!! lol

girlsfour 05-21-2012 03:33 AM

As it sounds from people who have replied to you post, many of us have went to WW, many more than once and many who have been successful but eventually put the weight back on.

I after being frustrated with my weight, found overeaters anonymous. It is a 12-step group that deals with weight. (pm is anyone is interested in hearing more)

Part of that that I currently do and will help you with WW has to do with recording your food. When I did WW I would start out writing down my meals, adding up points, etc. I never made it too long before I would have eaten all my points far before the day was done. I suggest writing down your food the day before or morning of the current day. Make sure you go by that. You know exactly what food you have in the house and what you are eating each meal - no guesswork.

Good luck!


tatavw01 05-21-2012 11:22 AM

Wow!!! have been reading all the threads, all I want to lose is 5 or 10 pounds I did look up the 17 day diet...here is my two cent...any diet that does not allow you to eat from all three food group is just a quick fix..saying that what if you started out on the 17 day diet to jump start you and then go on WW.. I like WW because fruits and vegs are all zero point... If after 2pm (who's idea was that, what happen at 2pm you turn into a pumpkin or something) you can't have fruit something is not right!!!think about it....eat healthy all the time and once in a while you can have a mac attack!! you know on WW you can have your Mickey D and eat it to.... 11 points for a happy meal and you get fruit will it...please don't kill me.

BMP 05-21-2012 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Quiltlove (Post 5225493)
I am a life time member of WW. I get to goal weight than stop going, get to goal weight and stop going, etc. Now I have asked myself honestly what is wrong with weight watchers that I can't seem to stay committed. Here is my answer..
1....I hear the same things each and every meeting
2....It is very hard on the purse each week
3....I hate to count points and keep records of what I eat/how much I exercise/how I feel at any given part of the day
4....They do not suggest what to eat only how much and provide recipes for purchase

That being said..... I have started the "17 Day Diet Program" I really like this program because there is no record keeping, no group meetings where you hear the same thing over and over, no extra costs and they tell you exactly what to eat. I eat from my list, I use their recipes (which are very tasty by the way) and I am losing weight. Nothing to calculate or remember. There is something to remember....You can't eat fruit past 2pm and you must drink 8 8 ounce glasses of water.

Try it you will like it. Oh, and I am not affiliated with this company in any way.

Where do you find the info about the 17 day diet ??

grammysharon 05-22-2012 05:20 AM

My suggestion for recipes is to go to "Hungary Girl" website and sign up for their daily blog. They have wonderful recipes!!!

Eileen De Ville 05-24-2012 11:39 AM

I am a great believer in Weight Watchers, but must confess, I Yo Yo, lots. Now, my doctors have instructed me to go back on. What I have done is to make up several days menues, keep them in a binder, and when planning meals, go to that binder and pick out what we will eat that day. Makes shopping much easier and I don't have to do too much wondering what to have. Also, my heart doctor suggested that I either get a book, or a DVD titled "You on a Diet". Dr. Oz is one of the doctor's
involved. I purchased it on line from Amazon. My doctor's said Weight Watcher's is not a diet, it's a way of life and they say it's by far the most sensible plan out there. Good luck.

SewAmI 05-24-2012 07:07 PM

I started WW in January and have lost 11 pounds. I only have to loose 4 more for my goal, but it is not coming off. Maybe it's because I have not gone to a meeting in a month or tracked my food on line for that time also. I keep thinking with the warm weather I will do better. My daughter lost about 35 pounds 2 years ago and she is still doing great. She works out every day which helps keep it off. I also get emails from Hungry Girl and another site called Skinnytaste or something like that. Dr. Oz recommended taking a supplement of Raspberry Ketones. I have been taking it for a couple of months and I think I have actually lost inches. Most of my pants and shorts are big on me and some are a size 6. Maybe I should start taking my measurements instead of weighing myself. Good luck and I hope you choose WW as the way to go, it really is the best plan out there when you follow it the right way. Oh, I forgot about the app for your phone. I don't have one, but my husband has a Droid and we downloaded WW into it and I can hold it over the squiggly thing or on the bar code and it will calculate the points from what ever it is like crackers, pasta, bread, etc.

Quiltlove 05-25-2012 07:23 AM

Tatavw01....The "17 day Diet" indeed does include all 3 food groups. It is not a quick fix. I really don't know where you are getting this information.

Quiltlove 05-25-2012 07:24 AM

BMP.....You can read a few of the introductory pages on Amazon.com. I just purchased the book and went from there. Good luck.

bourvel 05-27-2012 11:25 AM

Went back to WW in January, lost 10 pounds so far and 5 more to go, the program is great. But be careful with the fruits. We don't count them on the new program therefore I overdid it and it showed on the scale. So I eat only 1/2 of a banana a day now instead of 2. When I'm hungry I go for the veggie soup which I have in the fridge all the time, I even eat one at night to cut my nimbling habit.
One secret is to write everything you bring into your mouth every day.
Don't quit, good luck and take one day at a time

ShabbyTabby 05-28-2012 12:33 PM

If you just remember that you must change your eating habits. It's not a DIET per se it's teaching you how to eat healthy and portion control. You can have almost anything you like but in moderation. The new point system is great and it's the only program that you can do for a lifetime. That said, I must confess that I have not always followed what I know is right, but each time I fall off the wagon and gain, I jump right back on.

QuiltE 05-28-2012 03:46 PM

DIET = Did I Eat That?

melhuff 05-29-2012 07:16 AM

That was a great one QuiteE...I'm going to put that on my refridg. LOL

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