Old 05-14-2010, 05:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by brushandthimble
I have not even made it to page 10 yet, and yes you are correct the bug is contagious....
I do have one or two old machines hanging around, will have to go check them out. They were given to me a 6 -7 years ago and I gave a couple away that were in the batch.

Back to catching up. Need a refill....
I am glad you stopped in to see us. We all kept seeing you walk past looking inhere at us but we figured you would have to bite the bullet and come on in!

Around here we are all family and we just like to have fun playing around with these old machines. I will say that a lot of folks here are showing off some pretty nice and sometimes rare machines they have found.

What page are we up to now? Like 54 or 55 in three weeks..... LOL I hope we do not have to lose the information if we hit too many pages like the word association game thread did.

Way too much good information here to lose!!

Anyway go back and have fun reading and if you want, the coffee is over there with a few coffee cakes and doughnuts to choose from and I think there is some tea also. If you see something you like or want to talk about just bring it back up to the counter and we can go for round 2 or 3 or which ever it may be ;)

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