Old 06-27-2010, 09:40 PM
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OMG..so much going on. April will kep you in my prayers. I had ovarian cancer at age 21..my daughter was born in Sept and 3 months later they did a complete hysterectomy. Purplemem is absolutely right! You can survive the cancer! It really makes you more appreciative the gift of one child, and you can always adopt more!

Purplemem I will put you in my prayers! You do like the Dr ordered and stay off your legs. Blocks can wait...your health is much more important.

Ladies if it takes all night tonight i will be caught up!! And will get back on the Boom blocks! I promise I will do my very best to get them finished and to you all before the 12th!

I recieved a beautiful block from some one the other day..will have to find where their new home is and let you know asap!
Hugs to All!
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