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Old 07-05-2010, 06:27 PM
swimer girl
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Originally Posted by MegsAnn
I use scraps as small as one inch square. If you have extras... I'd LOVE to have some!
Ok MegsAnn..if you can wait a bit I can send some bits and pieces to you.

Now to whine some more.....the box I started working on yesterday is done...but it took hours and I have TONS of scraps to go.....I see that cleaning up after cutting a project is the sensible thing to do...which I also did today. Why didn't I learn about this years ago...

OK ....onward.....these strips are all ironed and stacked very neatly by size on top of each other.....when they finally get into a storage box do I keep them nice and neat do you choose from your set of strips you just jumble them all up (more ironing if we do that) and pick you box them up by color or as Bonnie does ...darks and lights??? I hate to be a pest but this project really has me in a quandry. it is overwhelming me...mostly because of the vast variety accumulated over 20 years of will take 100's of hours to get them all sorted out.....i do hope to do a little each day but am just wondering this work really worth it????....hugs to all of you and thank you each, who wrote and tried to help me.

PS I thought maybe I should have done this whining (and I apologize for that) on the MAIN section.....please tell me if this is the wrong place for me to ask these questions
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