Thread: Shadow Dancer
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Old 07-21-2010, 10:37 PM
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i'm struggling to find exactly the right way to respond and clear up a few things. i will probably get it wrong, but i'm going to try.

it isn't that i don't understand, or that i automatically assume there is a dark motive behind the public questions. i just can't provide an answer that will honor her right to privacy, satisfy everyone's confusion or curiosity and put the matter to rest all at the same time.

everybody misses Shadow Dancer. if you know her, then you know she doesn't want any sort of public controversy or quibbling to go on about her absence. if she were to read this topic she would be displeased.

we should accept her decision with the same degree of grace and class with which she made it. we should follow her example and just "let it go."
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