Thread: Two Tips
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Old 08-01-2010, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by knlsmith
I made a trip to emergency room last summer trying to cut when i was tired. YUp. That rotary blade was still sharp! LOL Cost me almost $400

And wine goes great with chocolate. A little splash of tequila once in awhile help the ole' free motion quilting too!
Um, I think I know what went wrong with your rotary cutting accident. :lol:

Originally Posted by cakes quilts
Here is another cleaning tip. The next time you are walking on a beach, pick up a seagull feather. Use it to clean between the thread tension disks. For interior states any large bird feather works.
If you bring home any feathers you will need to first put them in your oven. There are parasites that live within the shaft of the feather and in some cases there could be diseases or little buggies that could be transferred to you. Bake the feather at 250F for about half an hour and it should kill anything unfriendly. ;)

Originally Posted by lucyb
Just remember ladies and gentle men, in order to use the saliva trick you must spit out the chocolate first.( or hurry up and swallow it)
ROFL! lucyB, you remind me of my dear friend Marsha. I can't help but laugh!
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