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Old 08-01-2010, 08:11 PM
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So it's been a month or more and I'm dying to know how everyone is doing with all their UFO exchanges.

Originally Posted by marla
I'm with you Tiffany. The only reason I have UFO is because I started something, block of the month then dent to a quilt class,starting another project and maybe already working on completing something else. I usually have a few things going at once. Right now I will have to drop all the other projects as I want to finish appliquing a book for our Vicar's new baby before he returns to the seminary. That is why I get so many UFO's.
My sis has one she began 25 years ago. I now have that too, trying to get that done for her to enjoy while she is still with us. Part of that was stolen by robbers who broke into her home years ago and wrapped all her Hummel's in the fabric and hauled it away. So it may end up as a lap quilt.
:shock: *Bleeping* robbers! :evil:

I've been doing good on getting my UFOs down to a more manageable level. I had over a hundred and am down to 83 right now. I was at 80 but I did about 12 projects and 3 of them ended up with parts that have become UFOs. I'll get to them, eventually. I'm always working on at least 1 UFO so I don't feel guilty. ;)
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