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Old 08-02-2010, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Annya
Just think quilting is good for our health.Most quilters are a happy lot and they are more relaxed most of the time. But it helps in the bad days as well ad the good and Boy! the friends you make along the way, it is great and they help you without wanting any thing back all the time. My friends rally around me when they learned about my bad panic attacks recently. Thanks to them I feel better in myself knowing that there are others like me and how the give the support I needed. I wish I knew WHY ? I am getting them and others too.
I'm so sorry that you're having panic attacks!!! I began having them in my late 20's -- back then the drs. thought it was "all in your head". I now take generic Prozac for them and have for years. They don't know why it works -- just that it does. The dr. told me that I was literally holding my breath until I passed out -- involuntarily. Some tricks for when you're having them (that I've learned thru the years): Get MAD!; Sing at the top of your lungs!; Move around a little; Breathe into a paper bag -- all of this gets you breathing normally again and thus stops the attack...Hang in there -- panic attacks can be stopped with medication and a little life finagling.:D
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