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Old 08-28-2010, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerrie1940
I just tried a block using the Ronda Woosmall Method.
I must say it sure makes cutting out blocks a lot faster and more accurate. BUT, it seems to waste fabric. Making a quilt would take a lot more fabric.
Jerrie I love how this one came out for you!! Love love love the colors and prints!! Yes you can manage the waste by cutting the swatches to minimal but I prefer to have larger swatches then after I cut out the block I pull the leftovers apart and resew them together for another block. It is just faster. And anything that is too small for the project I am working on I make smaller blocks from them or I use them in a Crumb block or use them for smaller projects. I never throw anything away until it is just threads left! LOL
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