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Old 09-10-2010, 11:30 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
I realize this may make someone angry, but i have made bargello quilts...3 queen size ones which i used width of fabric strips...then i made a bargello jacket, table runner and 4 placemats '
i found the fat quarters were a heck of alot easier to deal with than the 40" strips.
so, i say, if you have not done a bargello yet, and want to give it a try, USE THE FAT QUARTERS. it might not be big but it will teach you the technique with a better chance of success because they are easier to use. after you do a couple small ones you will be ready to dive into a large one with long strips. you could always plan a table runner first, but i think you could probably make a throw quilt, if you have enough fat would take alot of them.
jump in and give it a try. :) and enjoy learning the process.
Why would it make someone angry. I am making a wall hanging with all reds and I cut the width of fabric in half to make it easier to handle. I do whatever works for me. I just wondered how big it would be with 7 fat quarters, but it is a great way to begin.
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