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Old 09-10-2010, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
I realize this may make someone angry, but i have made bargello quilts...3 queen size ones which i used width of fabric strips...then i made a bargello jacket, table runner and 4 placemats '
i found the fat quarters were a heck of alot easier to deal with than the 40" strips.
so, i say, if you have not done a bargello yet, and want to give it a try, USE THE FAT QUARTERS. it might not be big but it will teach you the technique with a better chance of success because they are easier to use. after you do a couple small ones you will be ready to dive into a large one with long strips. you could always plan a table runner first, but i think you could probably make a throw quilt, if you have enough fat would take alot of them.
jump in and give it a try. :) and enjoy learning the process.
Sounds like a plan, gotta do what works best for you. I learned just because some say it has to be done one way, is not always true. Fat Quarters are fun to work with as they are smaller and easier to handle. If you start a project and find you need more, go back to where you got the first ones and get more. Or buy more than you think you will need to have enough for the project. The leftovers can always be used for other things like Log Cabin centers etc.
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