Old 09-29-2010, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lostn51

That is my 9W.

Wow, we have a start! Billy knows his 9W is a 1910 model. His serial number of 3138585, (actually I think it is 3138385 according to Needlebar) Beth's machine #3149690, and my machine #3171412 have only a 22,827 difference. Normally, I think that small of a spread would mean all 3 machines were made about 1910 based on Billy's 1910 9W.

It intrigues me that Singer did not do the serial numbers the same on the 9W's as the other machines they made? I did some research and found Billy's 9W on Needlebar. Needlebar also explains that when Singer took over the Wheeler & Wilson Bridgeport factory they used the Wheeler & Wilson parts to make a batch of machines. Those machines had a '"W" (like Billy said) in front of the number. I guess after that Singer just made their own version, which they called the Singer 9W, using the exact same specs as the Wheeler & Wilson machines. Why Singer did not list those serial numbers, nor even use the serial numbers like the rest of the Singer machines with a letter in front -- I don't understand. I searched far and wide and can't find anything to explain what the reasoning was to made a Singer 9W and not log the serial numbers like all the rest of their machines? From what I can gather Singer only made these Singer 9W's until about 1913 or 14 when they started mass producing the 66's.

Billy, Miz Johnny, Charlee, can you explain the lack of documentation on the 9W's? They seem to be the orphan child of Singer.

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