Old 10-04-2010, 08:20 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Oklahoma
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Ok, I know you're not suppose to weight but once a week but I have been weighing daily because we have to weigh my mother because of Congestive Heart Failure.... I have GAINED 3 lbs!!!! hmmm.. acourding to my food diary... Wed. sorta stayed on program till hit the road to Texas...late night hamburger 1/2 gal. High sugar iced coffee....driving all night...Thurs...sleep deprived traveling... drank my calories :(...not good....cinamon roll, egg mcmuffin, slept till late evening... hit the road home...drive all night.... sleep most of Friday.... don't remember eatting... Satuday was pretty good till went to all you can eat buffet :( but soooo yummy....Sunday....skip breakfast but had coffee and a piece of cake at church.... burrito for lunch.... small group.... chamomile tea and homemade muffins yummy.... pluss my gallbladder has hurt me most of the weekend.. hummmm maybe that's why I gained and not lose... W
Well this is a new week and I am not going to munch on animal crackers or drink high sugar coffee and I'm not going to be up for 48 with little sleep... :D
I off to a new start.

sorry this is so long but I just wanted to let ya'll in on what my life has been like for only 4 days and how sleep affects our weight.
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