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Old 10-12-2010, 12:38 PM
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Well-to be truthful-I think I'm not playing nice with it-I'm being too rigid! I started out with one idea then changed my mind. My biggest problem has been the peach color of the center-I find peaches too pink or too yellow to suit me. And I have found only a few choices. My mom happened to be going on vacation out east-and found some pieces in PA-she just got it home and it's to yellowish for what I'm looking for. So I'll probably go back to my original line of thoughts. It also has be waiting on my to finish a few unexpected quilts! I'm hoping to be ready to show you something next week but may sister goes in for surgery next week so I might be helpinng her out for a few days here and there (she lives 1 1/2 hrs away and her recovery may take as long as 6 wks so I really have to budget my time.) The quilt tops are for a cousin who is having twins-the shower crept up on us and we have until Sat to finish-oh and I'm house sitting for my brothers family Thur-Sun so I won't be home, but may take my machine with me.
Fingers crossed for getting something done.
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