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Old 11-24-2010, 01:26 PM
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It seems like I am prone to buying fabric in 3's. I have 3 sets of three fabrics and am not sure what I want to do with them. One set is Christmas stuff that I want to make a simple tree skirt out of (rich, jewel tones - present print, holly/berries, aaaaannnnd... can't remember the third), another is a group for a baby quilt for our new little one in April (soft pinks and greys), and the last is just a set that they pulled out in the quilt shop that I really likes (black, red, and tan - music notes, guitars, polka dots, and wavy lines. Kinda funky, not normally my style, but I was drawn to it). Are there any patterns that are geared toward 3 different fabrics? I think I might make the 10 minute quilt block for the baby blanket and add ribbon to the inner blocks before stitching them down and quilting for a "taggie" blanket of sorts. I don't want to overdo that pattern though since I am already working on a king size for our room. Help!
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