Old 11-29-2010, 08:42 AM
Scissor Queen
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Originally Posted by bearisgray
Originally Posted by quiltinghere
Originally Posted by Rachel
Originally Posted by grammiepamie
Could I please ask why he was in NICU please?
He was fine in the NICU, but when we brought him home (4 weeks later), he starting spitting up and it just progressively got worse (he started out on breast milk), which I figured would have been the best for him, but the doc said he had a milk intolerance. We switched him to soy and that seemed to be about the best, so now I'm thinking maybe the soy and the zantac? but I'm scared to make a move without the doc's approval.
Ohhhhh wait a minute - this DOCTOR told you the baby had a 'milk intolerance' to your breast milk?
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Time to find a new doctor. If your 'motherly instincts' tell you something is not right - keep searching - even if it means a second or third opinion.
That is a new one to me, too - that does seem "strange" that a baby would be intolerant of his own mother's milk.
Both of my sons and all of their cousins on their father's side were intolerant of mother's milk. Talk about projectile vomit!! They all went on soy formula and were a whole lot better. I put my youngest son on soy formula before we even left the hospital and he doesn't have allergies now.
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