Thread: frustraited!
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Old 12-02-2010, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by amandasgramma
I am a grandmother of 11. There comes a time in one's life that you have to cry uncle. This is that time for you. Grandchildren LOVE having gift cards. Even my littles one at 3 was thrilled to have a "credit card". The older ones get what they want rather than things from gramma. Go ahead with gift cards -- even if it's only mere dollars. Explain that you're overwhelmed right now. Trust me, it'll be freeing for you!
I pray things will get better for you!!!! That's a lot to try to handle right now!


I agree with this 100%...excellent idea!
Kids love having their own money and choices, even if you don't have much bc of medical bills.
It will help them feel better too, if they ever need to give themselves a break, so for this year, give yourself a, not a good choice of words...let up on yourself? :thumbup:
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