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Old 10-14-2008, 08:00 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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I went paper shopping at a big paper supplier to find the lightest weight in paper, etc. I've tried them all. Even purchased foundation paper. I found for me and my printer tracing paper too thin. I've been known to make a mistake, yes, even paper piecing and if you have to snip away a thread or two and you are on too light of a might as well start over. From what I am reading, some have certain preferences, and all is still good and you just have to do what works for you.
For me personally...regular computer just fine for me. If you keep your stitch length smaller...there is no problem ripping the paper off. It rips just fine. I am at the present PP a pattern my dad wants for Christmas. I am using both reg. computer paper and recycled computer paper, keeping my stitch length at a 1.5 on my Janome...and, all is ripping just fine. I baste nothig, no extra stitches, etc. I do sew across the 1/4" seam allowance on the paper-that is it. So, don't go to a bunch of trouble or expense...keep it simple and try it out first. Just my HO:0)Skeat
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