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Old 12-28-2010, 05:47 AM
Tolelady53's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Texas
Posts: 87

I'm in. Due to surgery and chemo last year (I'm doing great!...thanks for asking :lol: ), I am behind on customer's orders and my own "stuff." This morning I actually started making a list of customer's stuff that they didn't need for Christmas and began to prioritize it.

WooHoo...Yesterday I started working on my shop. I am so tired of not being able to find stuff...or it's just stacked around. I am organizing fabric in the fashion of AlaskaSue, and as I go through I am sorting in to size increments and colors. I am finding a whole bunch of smaller pieces of fabric I forgot I had because they were mixed in with bigger pieces.

Also, one of the first things is get my machine serviced. It still runs fine, but the "scissors" no longer work and that is annoying.

While, organizing some fabric I came across a shelf of some really nice books I forgot I had. I decided to go through the books and pick out 4 "learning process" quilts and actually read the pattern and make the quilt accordingly. I decided, "why buy these books if I'm not going to really use them?"

Well, that seems to be a start!

Why don't we meet back here at the end of January for an update!!
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