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Old 01-06-2011, 03:18 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Taylor, Florida
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by ckcowl
have you visited the APQS web site? that is where you will find information...also...
buying a long-arm system is AN INVESTMENT-and a fairly expensive should not buy one just because you read something good about need to try out as many long-arm as you can find and make an educated decision. just because i love my machine does not automatically mean it is the machine for you. would you buy a car or a house without looking/trying out many? i hope not
and why has the woman only used the machine a few times in 5 years? does she have problems with it? like tension issues?
it might be important to know why she is selling it. doesn't sound like she's just up-grading, there must be a reason.
before making such a HUGE commitment you really need to do LOTS OF HOMEWORK
good luck :thumbup:
I tried the machine at her house when I went to check it out and also took a quilting friend with me. We were able to play with it and even set it up. The lady is very ill, frail and cannot use it anymore. She is going into the hospital for extensive surgery and wanted the money to help with medical bills. She just wanted someone that enjoys quilting.
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