Old 01-10-2011, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by dyer804
Your thoughtfulness is touching! I taught junior high for 35 years and had a student with a similar disorder my last year. Mine was one of three classes she could attend with any regularity. I was so impressed with her effort keeping up with her work in the face of such hardship. She did more than many students who were healthy! As I was reading your post, I thought of my student and really appreciate your kindness to such a deserving child. Bless you.
My student did so much work during the semester, and Geometry isn't the easiest thing to learn without the in-class work. She said sitting/laying in bed and working wasn't too bad for her, it was just the actual process of getting to school, sitting in a desk, and staying there all day that was horrible. Plus with the pain medication wearing off and not being able to take more until a certain time, school didn't work so well. But she kept up with the homework. She would give me a packet of homework (she didn't miss ONE assignment for the semester) any time she made it to class, and turned in every test and quiz. She was surprised to end the semester with an A (since other than the final, she had made everything up) when every other class gave her an Incomplete. She definitely earned it.

And unrelated, I love your avatar!
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