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Old 01-12-2011, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by quilter in the making
I posted on December 26th that my daughter and son-in-law had told us on Christmas morning that they were expecting. Well, this afternoon my oldest son and his wife showed up at our house (they drove about 1 1/2 hours) to tell us that they're also expecting. DD is due in August and DIL is due in September. We're so excited, but I'm also very nervous. DD has a very small subchorionic hemorrhage in the uterus. Doctor says MOST times these small bleeds are reabsorbed and do not pose a problem, but did not put DD on any restrictions. DIL's progesterone is a little bit lower than what her doctor likes to see and has prescribed something to hopefully increase the progesterone. They're trying to be very proactive thinking that the miscarriage she suffered last summer may have been caused by low progesterone. It's time to turn my concerns over to God, but prayers would be much appreciated. These will be my first grandchildren. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Congrats!!! What fun to have two grand babies so close together!! I also had a small subchorionic hemorrhage in the uterus when I was pregnant with my youngest. I bled for the whole first trimester of my pregnancy, then one day it just stopped. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to both momma's!!!
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