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Old 01-22-2011, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Richardson,TX
Posts: 32

Nice job!! I always wash quilts AFTER I finish the quilting and binding. They just don't seem finished until I've done that. I like how they look a little old once they come out of the dryer. The quilting is much more noticeable. I would throw a color catcher in the washer (which is a sheet that looks like a dryer sheet you can find in the detergent aisle of your grocery). I'm always amazed at the color it picks up. Your little niece will come to love this I'm sure, and you are going to love how you are going to feel as you get it ready to give to her. Tie a lavender satin ribbon around it and surround it with purple tissue paper and listen to all the ooooohhh's and aaaaaahh's as it's opened!! Enjoy.
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