Thread: Quilting Frenzy
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Old 02-01-2011, 10:54 AM
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Pretty items! I would love to see a full picture of the Every Quilt Tells a Story. It looks interesting! I love the Simple Sadie and the Hen Party, and the apron, and....well I love it all :)

ETA: ooopppsss..I didn't read far down enough! I LOVE the reading dragon :) I have a librarian in my family and lots and lots of book lovers. They would love this :) All the dragons are beautiful!

Originally Posted by doowopddbop
I have a bin full of quilt tops and toppers that have been accumulating for 5-1/2 years, waiting for the Longarm Quilter (me) to get to. And because there are such fantastic ideas out there for new quilts, which I want to try, of course, the unfinished pile keeps piling up!

After the Christmas rush, I have tackled a few of my own projects, and I'm finally beginning to see a little progress! But I couldn't put everything on hold just to work on my old quilts; I also made 6 brand new quilted projects, now quilted, bound, and ready to use! Do a little happy dance! Not only that, but four more quilts from the bin are finally quilted and bound (my daughters are getting really good at binding), and I've also made or repaired 3 skirts, finished 2 aprons, a potholder, a pincushion and several snap bags for my husband's safety glasses. This is what happens when he works out of town. I just hole up in my studio for about 18 hours a day. My girls wander through every once in a while, just to check on me or bring me chocolate.

Why the frenzied rush? I have been invited to be the featured quilt artist at my local quilt shop during the month of March, and I would like to get a majority of my unfinished quilt tops quilted and finished by the end of February when they will hang them in their shop. Think I can do it? Maybe. As long as my husband keeps working out of town, and my girls stop in from time to time with chocolate...

Here is a glimpse of some of the projects...still getting used to this camera!!
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