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Old 02-08-2011, 09:13 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Manchester, NH
Posts: 701

What a honey! I would give my eye teeth (if I still had them) :lol: to have a machine and cabinet like that. But, alas, I don't have the room for one. That looks exactly like the machine I learned to sew on, and my grandmother made many of my clothes on before I learned to sew for myself. Is the bobbin a long spindle type thing? That's what was on my grandmothers machine! I just read on another comment that the machine has a shuttle into which that lond spindle bobbin goes. That's exactly like my grandmothers machine. Oh I wonder where it went. It seems everyone picked and chose when she passed, but I wasn't there and have very little of her little treasures. I see them all at my relatives though! But not the sewing machine. She and I were the only ones that sewed.
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