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Old 09-07-2007, 12:54 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by Steve
I love the perfect crisp corners!

Now I'm full of questions. Do you chain piece these as well when doing a large design with multiple copied sections? Do you always start right on the inner line, or a quarter inch in and back up? Is this as addicting as I think it is?
It really is a cool technique isn't it Steve? I'm not real sure what you're asking here, but I'll give it a try. You always start at the line between #1 and #2 obviously, and you start about three stitches before the line and end about 3 stitches after the line is done. No backtacking. The next seam (whose lines you crossed over in the beginning and end) will always cross over the last one so you don't need to. And even when you're done with the whole block you will be sewing that block to another one so still no need to backtack. Make sure you set your stitch length down to about 1 or 1½ instead of 2 (assuming 2 is the normal stitch length for your machine). You want your stitches tiny so you can get that paper off easily. Just be very careful, because I know from experience what a mess it is to have to take those tiny little stitches out!!! :oops: :D

Sure, you can chain these if you have multiple blocks. It's not that different than regular piecing in that regard.

Yes, it is definitely addicting. ;)
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