Old 02-27-2011, 11:25 AM
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In 2007, I sat 2 seats away from Bill Clinton at a play on Broadway when we were visiting in NYC. We chatted before the play, I got a photo of hiim and got his autograph on the playbill. Then when the play was over (it was a one-act play so there was no intermission), he turned to us, shook our hands again and wished us a nice rest of the vacation.

A month later we rode in the elevator in a Vancouver hotel with Jackie Chan.

In Sept. 2010, we were eating dinner in the Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Nashville, TN, and Dolly Parton walks in with 2 other people. My daughter & I went to her table and asked for a picture with her. She was very nice and we chatted for a few moments after the picture.
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