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Old 03-14-2011, 12:01 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Delaware
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by Magzwv
Hi LeonMom! My best friend has a Leon too! They are the best dogs! I'm going to Lancaster on Wed for a class, then my BFF and I are coming back up thursday night to spend friday and saturday there! I can't wait!! If you want to try to meet up, let me know!
Yes! I'm going up alone --- my quilting friend who usually goes didn't enjoy the show last year :(. She went into the area last week and shopped for fabric instead. I'm going up on Thursday, packing a bag so that if I feel like staying over I can. Do you think you could scope out a meeting spot when you are there on Wed and let us know? Then we could meet there on Fri morning--or I can let you know that I didn't stay over too.

And yes, Leonbergers are THE best dog. I've owned GS, GD, mutts, and by far this is the best breed, if you don't mind hair. Love my Leaning-berger.
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