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Old 03-20-2011, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by SharonAnne
Apologies ahead of time for being so long winded.

I nearly broke my ankle jumping off the bench late this afternoon when I saw a package in the mailman's hand as he came up my front walkway. As I scurried past my DH on the way to my woman cave, I heard him inquire, "Did you buy yet another item on the internet?" lol.

I let this package from Reginalovesfabric sit for a very long time to build even more anticipation and excitement. 30 seconds is a lifetime!!! Then, as I was taught, I daintily peeled back the flap (OK, so I ripped it open like a hungry animal) and out spilled all the wonderful goodies you see in my amateur photo attached. However, you can probably see the rip in the chocolate package. The first thing I did was to rip it open, but immediately, I thought of the razzing I would take for just a shell of a candy wrapper being in the picture, so I quickly found the digital camera and snapped, then ate the chocolate. It's a nice share size, so I promised myself I would share some with me on Monday. DH has his own hidden stash. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

My fave colors are pink and purple and the ever so generous 7 FQ's will make a great tote. I have every size yo-you maker except extra large and I have coveted that size and keep passing it up. I am sure my SP has ESP and read my mind.

I love, love, love the Sneak Peek Preview of geometric shapes, especially since I like to fussy cut. And being able to visualize this before I buy fabric will be a big plus. It also helps with light/dark valuations since the templates are red translucent. And there is also a way to use them to cut the shapes adding 1/4 inch. What a handy, dandy item that I have never seen before.

Note the cute pincushion in a small painted pail. Most of all, take a look at the handmade elephant. Ellie is sewwwww cute!!!

And the tool is a VERY welcome addition. I can never find one when I need one. This one is going into my carrying case to accompany me to quilting club.

Regina, everything is perfect!!! Thank you from the bottom of my little quilting heart. I will answer the note you enclosed early next week.
haha Sharon Anne.... I open my package the same way. I did honestly let mine sit for about half an hour thou before I opened it. I so hate for the fun to be over (I do find the waiting to be FUN!) Love those templates! And of course all of those wonderful goodies, but the templates are a great idea... I could use some of them, I'm going to keep an eye out for those! Now we look forward to April! I have one thing made for my April package already! : )
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