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Old 09-24-2007, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve
OK, so I know it hasn’t always had negative connotations, but when I got this patch, the Fly’s Foot, together I was heartbroken; it turned out a swastika. You’d think I’d have seen it in the pattern but I didn’t and feel sick about spending time on something I sincerely dislike. Anyway, the piecing went well so I guess that’s one good thing. I just feel like I’ve been had, even if it is in paisley. :(
Steve ... i don't know if this will make you feel any better or not but i'd like to give it a shot. I'm very Jewish and, therefore, extremely sensitive to things like the Swastika and Confederate Flag. I say this in all sincerity: if you hadn't said anything, i would never have connected any dots between your FlyFoot and the Swastika. Even if I had, I'd have known any semblance was unintended on your part.

take it apart and rearrange it if it will make you feel better. but don't do it because you're afraid you'll hurt somebody else if you don't. it's a PINWHEEL, silly boy. like the ones we all played with as children.

relax. the PC Police have no probable cause for a warrant. :wink:
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