Thread: scissors
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Old 04-01-2011, 08:32 AM
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Haven't read all the posts so I apologize if I am repeating info. Years ago, my needle turn applique teacher had me buy a pair of KAI (Fons & Porter brand) abt 3 1/2" scissors. They are extremely sharp, great control and really good for getting into those inner curves. I paid a whopping $12.00 for them (I thot that was really expensive!) A while back I was @ a Tuesday Morning store (they usually have odd ball sewing supplies really CHEAP!) where I found a pair of KAI scissors just like my others for $2.99. go figure! Ya never know where you're gonna find a bargain! And my motto: "buy it when ya see it! cause it's not gonna be there when u go back for it!" Have fun finding your perfect scissors!
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