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Old 04-16-2011, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Plain Jane
Nothing. I'm just getting started and haunting thrift shops and yard sales trying to find cheap fabrics and books and supplies. Not too much luck, though I evidently missed a stash by 10 minutes at a yard sale yesterday. And the 'nice' fabric I have bought at the LQS, I'm afraid to use for fear I will mess it up! I'm sure my day is coming though.
Rethink! You can't mess up fabric. It's made to be cut and sewn back together. This means if you are making a quilt or garment, and you miscut (my word for measuring incorrectly and cutting) you just drop the miscut into the scrap basket. Problem solved. I've run out of fabric because of miscuts, but some of those were on husband hates it when I'm upset, so as soon as I get upset for miscutting something, he says let's go to the store. Just love that man! is offline